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Below you can find the list of services I can provide

Services included in basic price: tantric massage, relax massage, GFE, PSE, COB, CIM, CIF, DFK, FK, LFK, BJ, BBBJ, RIM AR passive, 69, B2B, BBBJTC, BBBJNQNS, BBBJTCWS, BBBJWF, NSA, BLS, party companion, CBJ, CMT, CIMWS, dirty talk, dominatrix, FBSM, FE, HJ, MSOG, OWO, shower together, extra ball, strap on, strip tease, toys, toy show, lingerie, foot fetish, lingerie fetish, DIY, DS, FIV, FJ, CFS, DATY, LMP, MG, ML, OVN, OWOTC, P4P, Pearl Necklace, PS, RPG, SOMF, TGTBT, light domination receive or give, hard domination give, uniforms.


Services extra for double price: A Greek, RIM AR active, BDSM, GS water sports, hard sports, MMF, MFF, tromboning, GF3, HTUMA, ATM.


Services not provided: DT, BBFS, services that cause me pain, DP, fisting, DDP, NMG, PFF, RAW,  hard domination receive .


All other services not mentioned above are not provided.


                                                                      ABBREVIATIONS MEANING

Services included

in basic price:


Tantric massage

Tantra, or tantric massage, are two defined massages developed in Berlin in 1977. The word Tantra refers to an esoteric yogic tradition that developed in India from the middle of the 1st millennium CE onwards. Erotic massage which incorporates elements from the neotantric movement in the Western world massages the primary erogenous zones of the body, those being the mouth, the phallus (penis), the vagina and the anus.

Tantric massage is also known as a physical act of touch that intends to enlighten those interacting in it by harnessing sexual energy within the body.

Tantra massage

According to the Tantric Massage Association, Tantra massage was developed in the 1980s by Andro Andreas Rothe, founder of Diamond Lotus Tantra Lounge, the first Tantra institute in Germany (1977).

A tantric massage client or receiver is not a giver. It is their responsibility to accept the massage and yield to the rediscovering of senses, feelings, and emotions. As people come to resolve issues related to relationships, self-esteem, and sexual life, the process combines a sense of well-being with deep relaxation.

According to the Tantric Massage Association Berlin, tantra massage is based on ideas taken from the work of Wilhelm Reich, Carl Jung, Carl Rogers and Alexander Lowen. Other sources of inspiration included the work of Mantak Chia, Joseph Kramer – who developed the "Lingam massage" (origin of the word Lingam is Sanskrit in which it means organ) and "Taoist Erotic Massage" – and Annie Sprinkle, who developed the "Yoni massage".


Relax massage

Often referred to as a Swedish massage, a relaxation massage is meant to do just that – relax you. Pressure is applied to muscles in the direction of blood flow to the heart, but not as much pressure as in a deep tissue massage. It works by increasing circulation, stretches tendons and ligaments, and energizes the skin and nervous system. This results in whole-body and mind relaxation, stress reduction, improved circulation, and a boost to the immune system.

If you work in a job where you’re sitting for long hours at a time, developing stiffness in your upper back and neck, relaxation massage would be the right choice for you. It also benefits those with increased levels of stress or anxiety, high blood pressure, and difficulty sleeping.



This slang acronym is used in online chatting and in text messaging to represent the phrase “girlfriend experience.” This phrase is used to describe the experience of someone who hired and paid for an escort for services of a non-sexual nature where the person hired acts more like a girlfriend and provides the same intimate affections that a girlfriend would.

The term GFE, an acronym for “Girlfriend Experience,” has its roots in the adult entertainment industry. It refers to a service where an escort offers a more intimate and authentic experience that resembles a real-life girlfriend relationship. This service usually includes emotional connections, meaningful conversations, and physical intimacy beyond mere sexual acts.

The exact origin of the term is somewhat obscure, but “GFE” was first defined in 2003, hinting at its earliest use in online and informal communications. The concept of the girlfriend experience gained more widespread recognition after 2009, with the release of the movie “The Girlfriend Experience.” This film portrayed the life of a high-priced escort who specialized in providing a more emotionally involved and personal encounter with her clients.

The popularity of GFE has increased over time, as it offers a more immersive and personalized experience for clients. This is in contrast to traditional escort services, which often focus primarily on physical satisfaction. The GFE allows individuals to experience a deeper emotional connection with their paid partner, potentially filling a void in their personal lives or providing a respite from loneliness.

The Girlfriend Experience is your run of the mill, vanilla sex. Think of this as the standard things you’d do with your partner, like hugging, kissing, licking, hand jobs, oral and penetration - all acts of intimacy that come with sharing an emotional bond. But, it doesn’t mean doing his laundry or dealing with his family.



Porn star experience

You may have noticed two of the most common phrases in the escort industry: ‘girlfriend experience’ (GFE) and ‘porn star experience’ (PSE).

You’ll read these in escort advertisements, and perhaps even in our price lists – some pros offer both options! These terms also appear often in client testimonials and reviews. GFE and PSE might seem self-explanatory…but there’s more to it than simply ‘girlfriend’ and ‘porn star.’

GFE vs PSE – the basics.

‘Girlfriend experience’ (GFE) is a style of escort service that’s intended to resemble an idealised romantic date – lots of intimate, sensual talking and flirting. The focus is very much on companionship, rather than just sex.

‘Porn star experience’ (PSE), on the other hand, is a style of service that’s more like what you see in porn movies – energetic, raunchy, and vocal. It often includes adventurous sexual activities that aren’t covered in a GFE booking. For this reason, it often attracts a higher fee.

A lot of clients make assumptions about what PSE and GFE really mean…but when you’re booking an escort, assumptions can be costly. Here are a few myths, and the facts you need to know.

Myth: A GFE service is exactly like having a real girlfriend.

Fact: GFE is a fantasy experience, and you still need to treat your escort like a professional.

‘GFE’ refers to a session that focuses on talking, connecting, and intimacy. But that doesn’t mean it will be exactly like real life. Some clients assume certain services – such as kissing – are included. Some might assume a different standard of safer sex – that they might get a blow job without a condom, for example, if that’s what they’re used to with regular romantic partners.

But in escorting, the ‘girlfriend experience’ has little to do with real life. It’s a fantasy experience, the same as a roleplay or kink session. There are plenty of differences between a GFE and a date with a civilian - you might be asked to shower before sex, for example. Obviously, you’re going to be asked to pay. And when you get to the end of the session, your escort leaves (and no, you don’t get to ask them out).

Don’t expect it to go exactly like a real-world date. It’s fun to experience the intimacy of a GFE...but your worker is still a pro, and you’ll get the best service if you follow their lead, listen to their instructions, and let them do their job.

Myth: A PSE service is exactly like the last porn film you watched.

Fact: Most porn is unrealistic. Give yourself a reality check before you book, to avoid disappointment.

Monster dicks, sex for hours without stopping, women that seem to love being slapped and choked and having their nipples twisted…if you charge into your next PSE session with an escort and start treating them exactly the way you see women being treated in porn, you might get yourself into BIG trouble. ‘PSE’ isn’t the same as declaring open season for rough treatment, degrading language, or unsafe sex.

There’s a lot of negotiation that goes on behind the scenes in a porn film – a discussion of whether butt-slapping is okay, for example. Permission for coming on someone’s face or in someone’s mouth. Discussions about condoms and safer sex, and what’s expected.  Doing sex right means talking beforehand, so you know what your escort is comfortable with. It won’t stop you from getting raunchy – it just means feeling confident that your escort is enjoying themselves.

I love it when a client says something like, ‘I really want to spank your ass right now, is that okay?’ It means I can guide them towards what I enjoy, rather than being surprised.

Don’t forget to use common sense when setting your expectations for the session. Despite what we see in porn, real sex doesn’t require a huge dick or endless stamina. And, of course, don’t forget to take a break every now and then to recover and re-hydrate!

Myth: An escort is either GFE or PSE, never both.

Fact: People don’t fit into boxes - and if you think they do, you won’t see them for who they really are.

Clients often assume that the labels ‘girlfriend experience’ or ‘porn star experience’ tell them everything they need to know about an escort’s service. But it’s a guide only, not a personality test. Every escort is different in what they enjoy, their character, and how they interact with you. If you assume based on just one label, you may not pick up on other clues to their personality that indicate whether you’re right for each other.

The Girlfriend Experience is your run of the mill, vanilla sex. Think of this as the standard things you’d do with your partner, like hugging, kissing, licking, hand jobs, oral and penetration - all acts of intimacy that come with sharing an emotional bond. But, it doesn’t mean doing his laundry or dealing with his family.



Cum on body. The use of “cum” to mean “semen” is an American vulgarism dating to the 1920s, and the extension of the vulgar spelling to the verb “come” (which has been colloquially used to mean “have an orgasm” since at least the late Middle Ages, just as the equivalent verb is used in other European languages) is more recent still, dating to perhaps the 1960s



Cum in mouth



Ejaculate in (on) face



Deep French Kissing. Usually part of The Girlfriend Experience, this refers to open mouth kissing including tongue



French Kissing



Light French Kissing



Blow Job



Bare Back Blow Job meaning oral sex without condom


RIM AR passive 

 Rimming, anal rimming is the act of stimulating the anus with the tongue. To lickkiss, or suck the anus of (one's sexual partner). This means performing or receiving oral sex on the anus and it is also known as analingus.



If sex was a number, it’d be 69.

69 is slang for when two partners arrange their bodies to perform oral sex on one another at the same time in a way said to look like the number 69.

The slang 69 goes back, if you can believe it, to the French Revolution. The term is found in a 1790 French work, The Whore’s Catechisms, attributed the revolutionary figure Théroigne de Méricour, who described a soixante-neuf, or “sixty-nine” in French.

English picked up sixty-nine by the 1880s, with its numerical shorthand, 69, familiar by the 1970s.

As long as there have been humans, though, there probably has been the practice of a 69. It’s described in the ancient Indian Kama Sutra, for instance, as the Congress of a Crow position. The position involves different- or same-sex partners going down on each other—genitals or anus—at the same time, usually achieved by lying on their sides or one on top. That is unless the people involved take to the Standing 69 or Eiffel 69, known variants of the move.

If you’re looking any more detail from us, well, there are other websites for that.

69 is commonly referenced—and snickered about—in popular culture. R&B singer Rick James released “She Blew My Mind (69 Times)” in 1982, for instance, and Bryan Adams 1984 “Summer of ’69,” which puns on the peace-n-lovin’ year 1969.



Body-to-body; basically rubbing their body against the customer



Bare Back Blow Job to Completion. Oral stimulation of the penis to orgasm without a condom. (May spit or swallow)




Bare Back Blow Job No Quit No Spit; oral sex performed to completion with swallowing



Bare Back Blow Job to Completion with Swallowing



Bareback Blowjob With Facial. Oral stimulation of the penis to orgasm without a condom to cum on someone's face. Often used in conjunction with "cumshot". In most quality porn, the scene ends in a facial cumshot



No Strings AttachedFundamentally, a no strings attached relationship is one in which two people carry on a purely physical connection with one another; there’s no emotional connection between them. In other words, a no strings attached relationship implies that you’re sexually intimate, but that’s as far as your relationship goes, and you’re not committed to each other in any way. 



Ball Licking and Sucking


Party companion or TRIP SITTER

Usually means ladies who don't mind partying, whether it's joining you for a drink or more. A girl can stay with you while you drink and you want someone to stay with you or when you take drugs and you need a person to look after you to stay in your company.



Covered BlowjobOral stimulation of the penis to orgasm with a condom



Certified Massage Therapist



Cum In Mouth With Swallow


Dirty Talk 

The use of creative language during intercourseWhile being called a nasty name would be offensive in 99 percent of scenarios, under the right circumstances (bent over and horny), it can be hot AF. Dirty talk involves talking about sex acts with your partner in an explicit, arousing way before or while engaging in sex acts. While there’s nothing literally messy or unclean about it, it earned the moniker because of the graphic nature of the dialogue typically associated with talking dirty. For many, it’s an effective way to express what you want in bed and even try out new things. Plus, according to a recent study in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, people who show signs of sexual communication apprehension (SCA), or fear of communicating their sexual desires and needs, enjoy sex less. One way to enjoy sex more? Get comfortable talking with your partner about what you want! So, dirty talk isn’t just frivolous fun, it can also improve your sex life. a list of words to get comfortable using in bed, which include but aren’t limited to: "come," "fuck," "bang," "suck," "hard," "wet," "yes," "no," "now," "slower" and "faster," "dick," "clit," "mouth," "ass." You get the idea. Put them together and see what sexy combinations you can come up with.



A dominatrix; pl: dominatrixes or dominatrices, or domme, is a woman who takes the dominant role in BDSM activities. A dominatrix can be of any sexual orientation, but this does not necessarily limit the genders of her submissive partners. Dominatrices are popularly known for inflicting physical pain on their submissive subjects, but this is not done in every case. In some instances erotic humiliationis used, such as verbal humiliation or the assignment of humiliating tasks. Dominatrices also make use of other forms of servitude. Practices of domination common to many BDSM and other various sexual relationships are also prevalent. A dominatrix is typically a paid professional (pro-domme) as the term dominatrix is little-used within the non-professional BDSM scene.

Terminology and etymology

Dominatrix is the feminine form of the Latin dominator, a ruler or lord, and was originally used in a non-sexual sense. Its use in English dates back to at least 1561. Its earliest recorded use in the prevalent modern sense, as a female dominant in sadomasochism, dates to 1961. It was initially coined to describe a woman who provides punishment-for-pay as one of the case studies within Bruce Roger's pulp paperback The Bizarre Lovemakers. The term was taken up shortly after by the Myron Kosloff title Dominatrix (with art by Eric Stanton) in 1968, and entered more popular mainstream knowledge following the 1976 film Dominatrix Without Mercy.

The term domme is likely a coined pseudo-French feminine inflection of the slang dom (short for dominant). The use of domme, dominatrix, dom, or dominant by any woman in a dominant role is chosen mostly by personal preference and the conventions of the local BDSM scene. The term mistressor dominant mistress is sometimes also used. Female dominance (also known as female domination or femdom) is a BDSM activity in which the dominant partner is female. However, while the term mistress is often used in the media, members of the BDSM community often avoid it, as it can be confused with mistress in the sense of a woman who has an illicit relationship with a married man, a term which has the negative implication of cheating on a partner. Since there is a large overlap between the BDSM and polyamory communities, where ethical conduct is a prime concern, any such relationship is a source of disapproval.

Although the term dominatrix was not used, the classic example in literature of the female dominant-male submissive relationship is portrayed in the 1870 novella Venus in Furs by Austrian writer Leopold von Sacher-Masoch. The term masochism was later derived from the author's name by Richard von Krafft-Ebing in the latter's 1886 forensic study Psychopathia Sexualis.



Erotic photograph, c. 1930s, showing a dominant female music teacher caning the buttocks of a submissive female student with a violin bow

The history of the dominatrix is argued to date back to rituals of the Goddess Inanna (or Ishtar as she was known in Akkadian), in ancient Mesopotamia. Ancient cuneiform texts consisting of "Hymns to Inanna" have been cited as examples of the archetype of powerful, sexual female displaying dominating behaviors and forcing gods and men into submission to her. The pseudonymous archaeologist and BDSM historian Anne O. Nomis notes that Inanna's rituals included cross-dressing of cult personnel, and rituals "imbued with pain and ecstasy, bringing about initiation and journeys of altered consciousness; punishment, moaning, ecstasy, lament and song, participants exhausting themselves with weeping and grief."

The fictional tale of Phyllis and Aristotle, which became popular and gained numerous versions from the 12th century onwards, tells the story of a dominant woman who seduced and dominated the male intellect of the greatest philosopher. In the story, Phyllis forces Aristotle to kneel on the ground so that she rides on his back while whipping and verbally humiliating him.

The profession appears to have originated as a specialization within brothels, before becoming its own unique craft. As far back as the 1590s, flagellation within an erotic setting is recorded.[9] The profession features in erotic prints of the era, such as the British Museum mezzotint "The Cully Flaug'd" (c. 1674–1702), and in accounts of forbidden books which record the flogging schools and the activities practised.

Within the 18th century, female "Birch Disciplinarians" advertised their services in a book masked as a collection of lectures or theatrical plays, entitled "Fashionable Lectures" (c. 1761). This included the names of 57 women, some actresses and courtesans, who catered to birch discipline fantasies, keeping a room with rods and cat o' nine tails, and charging their clients a Guinea for a "lecture".

The 19th century is characterised by what Nomis characterises as the "Golden Age of the Governess". No fewer than twenty establishments were documented as having existed by the 1840s, supported entirely by flagellation practices and known as "Houses of Discipline" distinct from brothels. Amongst the well-known "dominatrix governesses" were Mrs Chalmers, Mrs Noyeau, the late Mrs Jones of Hertford Street and London Street, the late Mrs Theresa Berkley, Bessy Burgess of York Square and Mrs Pyree of Burton Crescent. The most famous of these Governess "female flagellants" was Theresa Berkley, who operated her establishment on Charlotte Street in the central London district of Marylebone. She is recorded to have used implements such as whipscanes and birches, to chastise and punish her male clients, as well as the Berkley Horse, a specially designed flogging machine, and a pulley suspension system for lifting them off the floor. Such historical use of corporal punishment and suspension, in a setting of domination roleplay, connects very closely to the practices of modern-day professional dominatrices.

The "bizarre style" (as it came to be called) of leather catsuits, claws, tail whips, and latex rubber only came about in the 20th century, initially within commercial fetish photography, and taken up by dominatrices. Within the mid-20th century, dominatrices operated in a very discreet and underground manner, which has made them difficult to trace within the historical record. A few photographs still exist of the women who ran their domination businesses in London, New York, The Hague and Hamburg's Herbertstraße, predominantly in sepia and black-and-white photographs, and scans from magazine articles, copied and re-copied. Amongst these were Miss Doreen of London who was acquainted with John Sutcliffe of AtomAge fame, whose clients reportedly included Britain's top politicians and businessmen. In New York, the dominatrix Anne Laurence was known within the underground circle of acquaintances during the 1950s, with Monique Von Cleef arriving in the early 1960s, and hitting national headlines when her home was raided by police detectives on 22 December 1965. Von Cleef went on to set up her "House of Pain" in The Hague in the 1970s, which became one of the world capitals for dominatrices, reportedly with visiting lawyers, ambassadors, diplomats and politicians. Domenica Niehoff worked as a dominatrix in Hamburg and appeared on talk shows on German television from the 1970s onwards, campaigning for sex workers' rights. Mistress Raven, founder and manager of Pandora's Box, one of New York's best known BDSM studios, was featured in Nick Broomfield's 1996 documentary film Fetishes.


A professional dominatrix and a submissive male perform for the audience at a sex show in Austria.

The term dominatrix is mostly used to describe a female professional dominant (or "pro-domme") who is paid to engage in BDSM play with a submissive. Professional dominatrices are not prostitutes, despite the sensual and erotic interactions they have. An appointment or roleplay is referred to as a "session", and is often conducted in a dedicated professional play space which has been set up with specialist equipment, known as a "dungeon". Sessions may also be conducted remotely by letter or telephone, or in the contemporary era of technological connectivity by email, online chat or platforms such as OnlyFans. Most, but not all, clients of female professional dominants are men. Male professional dominants also exist, catering predominantly to the gay male market.

Women who engage in female domination typically promote and title themselves under the terms "dominatrix", "mistress", "lady", "madame", "herrin" (German for "mistress") or "goddess". In a study of German dominatrices, Andrew Wilson said that the trend for dominatrices choosing names aimed at creating and maintaining an atmosphere in which class, femininity and mystery are key elements of their self-constructed identity.

Some professional dominatrices set minimum age limits for their clients. Popular requests from clients are for dungeon play including bondagespanking and cock and ball torture, or for medical play using hoods, gas masks and urethral sounding. Verbal erotic humiliation, such as small penis humiliation, is also popular. There are some professional dominatrices that engage in sexual contact activities such as facesittinghandjobsor fellatio but others disapprove of this. Other BDSM activities can include various forms of body worship, such as foot worship, ass worship, breast worship and pussy worship; tease and denial; corporal punishment including breast torturecaningwhippingorgasm denial; and as well as face slapping, hair pulling, dripping hot wax on the genitals, spitting, golden showers, "forced" chastity, cock and ball torture, and pussy torture.

It is not unusual for a dominatrix to consider her profession different from that of an escort and not perform tie and tease or "happy endings". Typically professional dominatrices do not have sexual intercourse with their clients, do not become naked with their clients and do not allow their clients to touch them. The Canadian dominatrix Terri-Jean Bedford, who was one of three women who initiated an application in the Ontario Superior Court seeking invalidation of Canada's laws regarding brothels, sought to differentiate for clarity her occupation as a dominatrix rather than a prostitute to the media, due to frequent misunderstanding and conflation by the public of the two terms.

That being said, it is now generally accepted that a professional dominatrix is a sex worker, and many of the acts conducted during a session may be interpreted as equally sexual to the participants.

While dominatrices come from many different backgrounds, it has been shown that a considerable number are well-educated. Research into US dominatrices published in 2012 indicated that 39% of the sample studied had received some sort of graduate training.

A 1985 study suggested that about 30 percent of participants in BDSM subculture were female. A 1994 report indicated that around a quarter of the women who took part in BDSM subculture did so professionally. In a 1995 study of Internet discussion group messages, the preference for the dominant-initiator role was expressed by 11% of messages by heterosexual women, compared to 71% of messages by heterosexual men.

Professional dominatrices can be seen advertising their services online and in print publications which carry erotic services advertising, such as contact magazines and fetish magazines that specialise in female domination. The precise number of women actively offering professional domination services is unknown. Most professional dominatrices practice in large metropolitan cities such as New York, Los Angeles, and London, with as many as 200 women working as dominatrices in Los Angeles.

Professional dominatrices may take pride or differentiation in their psychological insight into their clients' fetishes and desires, as well as their technical ability to perform complex BDSM practices, such as Japanese shibari, head-scissoring, and other forms of bondage, suspensiontorture roleplay, and corporal punishment, and other such practices which require a high degree of knowledge and competency to safely oversee. From a sociological point of view, Danielle Lindemann has stated the "embattled purity regime" in which many pro-dommes emphasise their specialist knowledge and professional skills, while distancing themselves from economic criteria for success, in a way which is comparable to avant-garde artists.

Some dominatrices practice financial domination, or findom, a fetish in which a submissive is aroused by sending money or gifts to a dominatrix at her instruction. In some cases the dominatrix is given control of the submissive's finances or a "blackmail" scenario is acted out. In the majority of cases the dominatrix and the submissive do not physically meet. The interactions are typically performed using the Internet, which is also where such services are advertised. Findom was originally a niche service that a traditional dominatrix would offer, but it has become popular with less-experienced online practitioners.

To differentiate women who identify as a dominatrix but do not offer paid services, non-professional dominants are occasionally referred to as a "lifestyle" dominatrix or Mistress. The term "lifestyle" to signify BDSM is occasionally a contention topic in the BDSM community and that some dominatrices may dislike the term. Some professional dominatrices are also "lifestyle" dominatrices—i.e., in addition to paid sessions with submissive clients they engage in unpaid recreational sessions or may incorporate power exchange within their own private lives and relationships.However, the term has fallen out of general usage with respect to women who are dominant in their private relationships, and has taken on more and more the connotation of "professional". Nathalie Lugand in her 2023 book "A Psychodynamic Approach to Female Domination in BDSM Relationships" describes this strict separation as artificial.

Notable dominatrices

Catherine Robbe-Grillet is a lifestyle dominatrix. Born in Paris on September 24, 1930, she then became France's most famous lifestyle dominatrix. She is also a writer and actress, the widow of nouveau roman pioneer and sadist Alain Robbe-Grillet. She currently lives with Beverly Charpentier, a 51-year-old South African woman who is her submissive companion. Although being such a famous dominatrix, she has never accepted payment for her "ceremonies". She's quoted as saying "If someone pays, then they are in charge. I need to remain free. It is important that everyone involved knows that I do it solely for my pleasure. "Catherine is my secret garden," Charpentier says. "I have given myself to her, body and soul. She does whatever she wants, whenever she wants, with either or both, according to her pleasure—and her pleasure is also my pleasure." Robbe-Grillet has been criticised for writing about S/M stories.[citation needed] She identifies as a "pro-sex feminist" and "the kind of feminist who supports the right of any man or woman to work as a prostitute, if it is their free choice."

Simone Justice is a BDSM educator who teaches Dommecraft based on her experience as a dominatrix and psychotherapist.

Miss Lila Sage is an international dominatrix, hypnotherapist, and immersive experience producer. Sage is the creator and host of Fétische, a live theatrical experience and "BDSM tasting".


A dominatrix wearing typical fetish fashion themed latex dress, fishnet stockingsand stiletto heels. She is holding a spanking paddle.

The dominatrix is a symbolic female archetype. In popular culture, the conception of the dominatrix is generally associated with specialized clothing and props used to signify her role as a strong, dominant, sexualised woman. This role is linked to but distinct from images of sexual fetish. During the twentieth century, dominatrix imagery was developed by the work of a number of artists including the costume designer and photographer Charles Guyette, the publisher and film director Irving Klaw, and the illustrators Eric Stanton and Gene Bilbrew who drew for the fetish magazine Exotique.

One of the garments associated with the dominatrix is the catsuit. The black leather female catsuit entered dominant fetish culture in the 1950s with the AtomAge magazine and its connections to fetish fashion designer John Sutcliffe. Its appearance in mainstream culture began when catsuits were worn by strong female protagonists in popular 1960s TV programs like The Avengers and by comic super-heroines such as Catwoman. The catsuit represented the independence of a woman capable of "kick-ass" moves and action, giving complete freedom of movement. At the same time, the one-piece catsuit accentuated and exaggerated the sexualized female form, providing visual access to a woman's body, while simultaneously obstructing physical penetrative access. "You can look but you can't touch" is the message, which plays upon the BDSM practice known as "tease and denial".

Another common image is that of a dominatrix wearing thigh-high boots in leather or shiny PVC, which have long held a fetishistic status and are sometimes called kinky boots, along with very high stiletto heelsFishnet stockings, seamed hosierystockings and garter belts (suspenders) are also used in the representation and attire of dominatrices, to emphasize the form and length of the legs with erotic connotation.

Tight leather corsets are another popular dominatrix garment. Gloves, whether long opera gloves or fingerless gloves, are often a further accessory to emphasize the feminine role. Neck corsets are also sometimes worn.

Dominatrices frequently wear clothing made from fetish fashion materials. Examples include PVC clothinglatex clothing and garments drawn from the leather subculture. In some cases elements of dominatrix attire, such as leather boots and peaked cap, are drawn from Nazi chic, particularly the black SS officer's uniform which has been widely adopted and fetishized by underground gay and BDSM lifestyle groups to satisfy a uniform fetish.

A dominatrix often uses strong, dominant body language which is comparable to dominant posturing in the animal world. The props she brandishes signify her role as dominatrix, such as a flogger, whip or riding crop as illustrated in the artwork of Bruno Zach in the early 20th century.

Another often-depicted characteristic of the dominatrix character is of smoking, either of tobacco cigarettes or cannabis products. While smoking tobacco has been in rapid decline worldwide, depiction of it in BDSM literature and media is increasing, as the negative image of smoking reinforces the "bad girl" stereotype associated with a dominatrix.


A dominatrix wearing face mask and pasties at Venus Berlin, 2019

Practicing professional dominatrices may draw their attire from the conventional imagery associated with the role, or adapt it to create their own individual style. There is a potential conflict between meeting conventional expectations and a desire for dominant independent self-expression. Some contemporary dominatrices draw upon an eclectic range of strong female archetypes, including the goddess, the female superheroine, the femme fatale, the priestess, the empress, the queen, the governess and the KGB secret agent.

In literature

Themes associated with the dominatrix character have appeared in literature since the 10th century. Canoness Hroswitha, in her manuscript Maria, uses the word Dominatrix for the main character. She is portrayed as an unattainable woman who is too good for any of the men who are in love with her. The theme of "the unattainable woman" has been used thoroughly in medieval literature as well, although it differs from a dominatrix. Medieval themes surrounding the unattainable woman concerned issues of social classes and structure, with chivalry being a prime part of a relationship between a man and woman. There are some exceptions to this trend during medieval times. In Cervantes’ Don Quixote (1605), Celadon is imprisoned by Galatea. Celadon complains that his "mistress . . . Galatea keeps me on such a short leash". In Robert Herrick's Hesperides, a book of poems published in 1648, there were three revealing poems An Hymne to Love, The Dream, and To Love which showcase masculine longing for domination, restraint, discipline. In Ulysses by James Joyce, the character Leopold Bloom has many fantasies of submission to a lady and to receive whippings by her.



Full Body Sensual Message



Female Ejaculation



Hand JobA handjob is a manual sex act involving a person stimulating the penis or scrotum of another by using the hand



Multiple shots on goal (MSOG) is a colloquial term that describes multiple ejaculations during a sexual encounter.



Oral without; signifies performing oral sex on a men without using a condom.


Shower Together 

Showering together fosters emotional closeness and support, allowing people to share their most private moments. Can be a blowjob in shower or sex in shower with condom


Extra Ball

Having an orgasm more than once (during a session)


Strap On

An artificial phallus attached with a strap, usually a dildo. Strap-ons are a kind of sex toy that allows you to penetrate someone without a penis, this phrase could be “she means that she uses a strap-on on dudes” which means that “she” means to say that she uses a strap-on to penetrate men. Penetrating men with a strap-on is also commonly referred to as “pegging” in the U.S. 


Strip Tease

The act of slowly taking off one's clothes to sexually arouse the viewer, often accompanied by music and in exchange for money.



An object that people use to increase their sexual pleasure, such as a dildo or a vibrator


Toy Show

Masturbate using toys



When it comes to luxury lingerie, only a few brands make the cut. Elite escorts wear only the most sumptuously soft silk or delicate lace pieces and sex appeal is an essential requirement when shopping for the perfect set. A high-end escort wears lingerie that is classy, high quality but above all provocative. Here are the five luxury lingerie brands perfectly suited for high-end escorts.

Agent Provocateur

When it comes to the hottest lingerie, Agent Provocateur should be your very first port of call. This brand is famous for scandalously sexy lingerie sets as well as sheer stockings, corsets and bondage accessories. Every iconic design is exceptionally classy and chic and has one aim, to turn someone on. For luxurious lingerie that is dripping with sex appeal, this brand is sure to bring any fantasy to life. From racy bodysuits to blindfolds and whips, you won't be disappointed with the selection.


If it's bondage-inspired aesthetics that tick your boxes, Bordelle is a seriously sexy lingerie label that is nothing short of sizzling hot. Their sexy designs are oozing luxury finished with darkly sexy details not to mention opulent fabrics. This is the brand of choice for confident escorts who want to show off their feminin prowess.

La Perla

If it's elegance that you are searching for, you can't fail to find it at La Perla. This effortlessly chic Italian brand has been at the forefront of the lingerie industry for 65 years and it is a label that is overflowing with class. If Italian lace sets your pulse racing, La Perla is the finest investment. An elite escort can't help but look and feel a million dollars wearing this brand. Honey Birdette

Honey Birdette If you desire something naughty but nice, Honey Birdette has your name on it. This brand not only sells stunning lingerie but also discreet high-end sex toys so it's no surprise that their thongs and bra sets boast maximum sex appeal. Think plunging necklines, sheer fabrics and sexy suspender belts not to mention corsets and basks.

Fleur du Mal

When you want lingerie that's flirty and feminine, this luxury lingerie label has it all Boasting the biggest selection of hues, Fleur du Mal is your go-to destination for bra and panties of all colours and styles. Whether you want something cheeky or naughty, you will be spoilt for choice.


Foot Fetish

Foot fetishism, also known as foot partialism or podophilia, is a pronounced sexual interest in feet.It is the most common form of sexual fetishism for otherwise non-sexual objects or body parts.

Characteristics and related fetishes

Foot fetishism has been defined as a pronounced sexual interest in feet. For a foot fetishist, points of attraction may include the shape and size of feet, feet soles, toes, jewelry (e.g., toe ringsanklets, etc.), treatments (such as massaging, washing partner's feet or painting partner's toenails), state of dress (e.g., barefootflip flopsboat shoesballet flatssandalshigh heelshosiery, socked feet, etc.), foot odor or sensory interaction (e.g., rubbing the foot, smelling, tickling, licking, rubbing genitals on foot, etc.).

Extensions of this fetish include shoessocksolfactophilia (odor fetishism) and ticklingSigmund Freud also considered foot binding as a form of fetishism, although this view was disputed.

Odor fetishism (pertaining to the smell of feet) seems to play a major role in foot fetishism, and is closely related to it: in a 1994 study, 45% of those with a foot fetish were found to be aroused by smelly socks or feet, making it one of the most widespread forms of olfactophilia.

In extreme cases, an individual with a pronounced sexual interest in feet could possibly be diagnosed with fetishism disorder (characterized by the eroticization of non-living objects and body parts) if they are in adherence with the following symptoms:

  • Experiencing recurrent sexually arousing fantasies, urges, or behaviors involving the use of non-living objects over a period of at least six months.

  • These fantasies, urges or behaviors cause significant distress in a social, occupational or personal environment.

  • The fetish objects are not limited to articles of clothing or devices used for genital stimulation.

Relative frequency

To estimate the relative frequency of fetishes, in 2006 researchers at the University of Bologna examined 381 Internet discussions of fetish groups, in which at least 5,000 people had been participating. Researchers estimated the prevalence of different fetishes based on the following elements:

  • (a) the number of discussion groups devoted to a particular fetish;

  • (b) the number of individuals participating in the groups;

  • (c) the number of messages exchanged.

It was concluded that the most common fetishes were for body parts or for objects usually associated with body parts (33% and 30%, respectively). Among those people preferring body parts, feet and toes were preferred by the greatest number, with 47% of those sampled preferring them. Among those people preferring objects related to body parts, 32% were in groups related to footwear (shoes, boots, etc.).

Foot fetishism is the most common form of sexual fetish related to the body.

In August 2006, AOL released a database of the search terms submitted by their subscribers. In ranking only those phrases that included the word "fetish", it was found that the most common search was for feet.

Foot fetishism may be more common in men than in women. Researchers using a polling agency to conduct a survey of the general Belgian population in 2017 found that 76 of the 459 male respondents (17%) and 23 of the 565 female respondents (4%) answered "Agree" or "Strongly agree" to a fetish interest in feet. 

The Countess with the whip, an illustration by Martin van Maële showing foot fetish.



Lingerie fetish

The person becomes sexually aroused by wearing or touching the object. For example, the object of a fetish could be an article of clothing, such as underwear, rubber clothing, women's shoes, or women's underwear or lingerie.

Underwear fetishism is a sexual fetishism relating to undergarments, and refers to preoccupation with the sexual excitement of certain types of underwear, including panties, stockings, pantyhose, bras, or other items. Some people can experience sexual excitement from wearing, while others get their excitement when observing, handling, or smelling the underwear worn by another, or watching somebody putting underwear on or taking it off.

Underwear fetishism is not considered as paraphilia unless it causes distress or serious problems for the person or those associated with them.



To determine relative prevalences of different fetishes, Italian researchers obtained an international sample of 5,000 individuals from 381 fetish-themed discussion groups. The relative prevalences were estimated based on (a) the number of groups devoted to a particular fetish, (b) the number of individuals participating in the groups and (c) the number of messages exchanged. Within the sample population (a population of adults online involved in sexual discussion), 12% indicated a sexual preference for underwear.



A Japanese vending machine selling used panties for Burusera

Panty fetishism is a fetish in which one eroticizes panties (or similar styles of underwear).

In Japan, a common types of panty fetish involves used panties; this industry has a long-established brick-and-mortar presence, known as burusera shops.


Stockings and pantyhose

A man wearing nude pantyhose and nylon leggings

Some people experience sexual excitement from the look or feel of women's stockings and pantyhose.

Stocking fetishism may include other feminine clothing which contributes to enhancing the fantasy. Some men find it arousing to collect and wear stockings, panties, and suspender belts. In some cases, this is done for the purpose of momentary sexual stimulation. Others wear such a complete combination under a pair of trousers or beneath a business suit on a regular daily basis.

The growth of internet purchasing has enabled men to browse through many different assorted underwear offerings anonymously, and some manufacturers and retailers specializing in lingerie and associated women's apparel cater to the needs of men who are interested in acquiring and wearing these garments.

Such fetishists may also be divided into many subcategories relative to their attraction to certain types of stocking/pantyhose. Some find fishnet stockings more arousing compared to other forms, for example. Other preferences include fully fashioned (seamed) stockings, seamless stockings, designer stockings, luxury stockings, reinforced heel and toe stockings (RHT), stay-ups, etc.


Silk and satin

Some people experience sexual excitement from the look or feel of articles made of silk or satin fabric. Such interest is usually directed towards the person wearing silk or satin, but it can also be directed towards the garment itself, or to the feel of the garment when worn.

The principal materials which are considered erotic are charmeuse silk (silk woven so that it has a sheen) and satins (such as acetate satin and rayon satin), but other materials with similar properties, such as polyester and spandex are also admired.



Jockstrap fetishism is the term applied to the sexual arousal from handling, wearing a jockstrap, watching another put one on, or sniffing a jockstrap. To quote on jockstrap sniffing, "jock[strap] sniffing specifically refers to the practice of inhaling odors from unlaundered jockstraps for the purpose of sexual stimulation. Practitioners, (usually male) are known as 'jock sniffers' and acquire unlaundered jockstraps either by swapping such garments with like-minded individuals or by swiping them from locker rooms, lockers or unattended gym bags



 An acronym for Do It Yourself (job), a jocular euphemism (borrowed from the hobbyists) for masturbation



Dominance and submission (also called D/s) is a set of behaviors, customs, and rituals involving the submission of one person to another in an erotic episode or lifestyle. It is a subset of BDSM. This form of sexual contact and pleasure has been shown to please a minority of people.

Physical contact is not necessary, and D/s can be conducted anonymously over the telephone, email, or other messaging systems. In other cases, it can be intensely physical, sometimes crossing into sadomasochism. In D/s, both parties take pleasure or erotic enjoyment from either dominating or being dominated. Those who take the superior position are called dominants—Doms (regardless of gender) or Dommes (female)—while those who take the subordinate position are called submissive, or subs. A switch is an individual who plays either role. Two switches together may negotiate and exchange roles several times in a session. The term dominatrix usually refers to a female sex worker who dominates others for pay while the term maledom is used for a sexually dominant male in BDSM practices.


The dominant–submissive relationship fits within the overarching term BDSM and its lifestyle. BDSM stands for "bondage and discipline" (B&D), "domination and submission" (D&S), and "sadism and masochism" (S&M). Many misconceptions of this relationship and its associated activities come from the fact that early theorists conceptualized that sadomasochism and BDSM behavior were a symptom of psychopathology. It was thought that people who participated in this type of sexual play disregarded safety and consent, which influenced the diagnosis, classification, and perception of this type of relationship. These misconceptions of all participants of BDSM having disordered tendencies have related to the definition and criteria for sadomasochism in the DSM-5. Therefore, many in the BDSM community do not fit the criteria.

It is possible that this community of BDSM participants was formed in the early 18th century, and maybe even before. For example, the dominant–submissive partnership has been shown in early versions of the Kama Sutra. Not only is it shown in literature but also in the actions of ancient rulers that would participate in sexually sadistic torture, role play, and finally the assertion of their dominance over subjects. Their actions show severe sadomasochism as well as the early-onset behaviors of the community.

The relationship between a dominant and submissive revolves around consent and guidelines. Within the world of BDSM, consent is a core focus and requirement because it is what separates sexual sadism from coercive sexual sadism disorder in the DSM-5. Sexual sadism disorder and sexual masochism disorder have been changed in order to differentiate between consensual and non consensual partners. As well as meeting the new criteria to be classified as one or the other, for example, the person being diagnosed must be experiencing personal distress about their paraphilia rather than distress coming from society's disapproval. The growth of dominant and submissive behavior, sadomasochism, and other BDSM activity is evident through its history, from ancient times through the separation from disorder to consensual-community participant.


Dominance and submission have a long history in human culture and civilization. In human sexuality, this has broadened to include voluntarily chosen roles and activities that express dominance and submission. The proportion of the population which partakes in D/s activities is difficult to ascertain as the statistics vary widely depending on the particular study, date of publication, and country where the research has taken place. 

A 1985 study suggested that about 30 percent of participants in BDSM activities are females, and the rest are males. A study by the California Graduate Institute in 2008 found that 61 percent of men were exclusively or mainly dominant (26 percent were exclusively or mainly submissive), while 69 percent of women were exclusively or mainly submissive (30 percent were exclusively or mainly dominant).

A study in 2008 found that only 2.2% of men and 1.3% of women had participated in a BDSM activity in the previous year. In 2017, a Belgian study of BDSM interest in the general population, with a sample size of 1,027, found that 46.8% of the total sample had ever performed at least one BDSM-related activity. An additional 22% had fantasized about it, and 12.5% performed at least one BDSM-related activity on a regular basis.

A 2019 publication states that a minority of the population engages or fantasizes about BDSM activity. A national study with 2,800 participants showed that about 14% of men and 11% of women had participated in some sort of BDSM related activity and from those results, it was concluded that approximately 10% of adults have joined in some part of the sexual behavior.


A D/s couple posing for a picture. Many submissives wear a collar to denote their status and commitment.

safeword is usually given to the submissive partner to prevent the dominant from overstepping physical and emotional boundaries. It is usually a code word, series of code words or other signal used to communicate physical or emotional state, typically when approaching, or crossing, a boundary. Safewords can have differing levels of urgency - some may bring a scene to an outright stop, whereas others may indicate that a boundary is being approached. A safeword may be used by the Dominant as well as the Submissive if they feel things have gone too far and are uncomfortable continuing.

D/s may be ritualized or freeform. It is usually a negotiated lifestyle, with people discussing their wishes, limits, and needs in order to find commonality. A D/s relationship may be sexual or non-sexual, long- or short-term, and intimate or anonymous. Most adherents search for the essential intensity, trust, and intimacy that are required to make any deep relationship possible.

Based on gender (of the dominant or submissive), D/s can be divided into the following sub-types:



BDSM is the sexual practices of bondage and pain / torture , dominant and submissive, as well as sadomasochism.

D/s participants often refer to their activity as "play", with an individual play session being called a "scene". In addition to "dominant" and "submissive" a "switch" is a person who can take either role. The dominant and submissive relations pertain to two people who play with psychological, emotional, and/or physical dominance. Most of the time in sexual relationships like this there is some sort of power exchange through their physical interaction. A scene between two switches can involve trading off the dominant and submissive roles, possibly several times. In contrast, the terms top and bottom refer to the active (agent) and passive (patient) roles, respectively. In a given scene, there is no requirement that the dominant also be the top, or that the submissive be the bottom, although this is often the case. 

The term vanilla refers to normative ("non-kinky") sex and relationships, the vanilla world being mainstream society outside of the BDSM subculture. The term comes from vanilla ice cream being considered the "default" flavor.

The term power exchange refers to the empowerment of the dominant by the submissive's surrender to his/ her control. Power exchange is consensual and in reality, it is the submissive that has the underlying control during the relationship exchange. The dominant is attempting to satisfy the submissive's kinks and desires.

The terms top and bottom are used as verbs or nouns to describe the physical play of SM but with less of a focus of the "sadist" and "masochist" part of the activity. They can be used as synonyms for dominant and submissive.

The term dungeon is used as a reference to a space/room designated for sadomasochism play. It can also be used to describe a club where these activities take place. It can also be a place to practice kinks safely and learn how to carry out activities and play.

The term dungeon monitors is used as a description of well-trusted BDSM members that volunteer to monitor dungeons and look out for infractions, distress, or any other form of misconduct or non-consent.

The term flogger is used to describe a tool or whip used in sexual scenes. The action of flogging refers to impact play. Usually made of leather with a hard handle and multiple long flat strands attached. The term can also be used to describe the person holding the specialized whip.

Linguistic conventions

Some people in the D/s world capitalize words and names that refer to dominants, and do not capitalize those that refer to submissives, hence the capitalization of D/s; others do not. It was popularized in internet chatrooms, to make it easier to identify the orientation of the writer or the person being written about.

Also, some submissives eschew personal pronouns, instead referring to themselves as "this slave" or "Master Bob's girl". This is sometimes considered an expression of modesty, but it is an entirely optional method of depersonalizing a submissive during "play". It may have roots in the military, where new recruits are required to refer to themselves as "this recruit", rather than "I" or "me".

D/s relationship styles


Human furniture: A naked submissive woman being used as a decorative table. She is required to stay in the same posture, such that the vase on her back does not fall (top). A human-table formed using three naked submissive women (bottom).


A man engaging in petplay at the Folsom Street Fair and wearing a dog leash around his neck.

There can be any number of partners in a D/s relationship: one dominant may have several submissives, who may in turn dominate others, or a submissive may have multiple dominants. Relationships may be monogamous or polyamorous. Romantic love is not necessarily a feature in D/s: partners might be very much in love or have no romantic relationship at all. Some D/s relationships are sexual, others completely chaste.

Fantasy role play can be an element, with partners taking classic dominant or submissive roles, or classic authority-figure roles such as teacher and student, police officer and suspect, or parent and child. Animal play, where one partner takes the role of owner or caretaker and the other takes the part of a pet or animal, can also be D/s play.

A classic example of a D/s role is the "sissy" maid, where an adult male dresses in cartoonish female clothing and performs stereotypical female chores such as housecleaning or serving tea. Cross-dressing in D/s does not always involve a desire to be sissified or made into caricatures of women or to serve: for example, others may desire to be made as beautiful as possible and interact on a "girlfriend-to-girlfriend" non-sexual basis.

Variation in D/s is virtually limitless and the activities take many forms, and may be combined with other forms of BDSM. These variations may include:


There are some risks commonly associated with D/s concerning both physical and mental health. Some examples are:

  • Physical health complications such as bruising, broken skin, nerve damage due to tight bondage, burns due to hot wax play, or blood-borne pathogen exposure during needle play. 

  • In rare cases, death may occur when the participants engage in activities that have the potential to cause serious physical injury. The most common activity associated with accidental death is erotic strangulation. A study by Bunzel et al. showed that between 1993 and 2017 more death occurred from auto-erotic activities than from partnered activities, and men were more likely to die in both cases than women.

  • Negative emotional states during or after partaking in D/s activities

Consent and contracts

Further information on when consent can be a defense to criminal liability for any injuries caused, and when, for these purposes, non-physical injuries are included in the definition of grievous bodily harmConsent (BDSM) and Legal consent

See also: Contract (BDSM)


Artwork depicting a female dominant performing bondage on her male submissive.

Consent is a vital element in all psychological play, and consent can be granted in many ways. Some employ a written form known as a "Dungeon negotiation form", for others a simple verbal commitment is sufficient.Consent can be limited both in duration and content. There are many versions of consent but mainly it is the knowledge between the partnership of who plays the dominant role and who plays the submissive. The commitment of knowing who afflicts and receives the pain, bondage, torture, and/or humiliation. As well as the fact that all erotic experiences are performed in a safe, legal, and consensual practice as well as benefiting both parties. The consensual practice is what helps distinguish BDSM participants from a psychiatric diagnosis of a sexual disorder. The community of BDSM has adopted the saying "Safe, Sane, Consensual" (SSC) and "Risk-Aware Consensual Kink" (RACK) and a new addition "Caring, Communication, Consent, and Caution" (4Cs). Consent has also been categorized into three groups: surface, scene, and deep consent. Surface consent has been defined as a simple yes or no. Scene consent has been described as including parameters of a top/ bottom negotiation and agreement of a play scene. While deep consent involves the mental capacity of the bottom (submissive) and the awareness of the top that the bottom is able to use a safeword. The BDSM community have a simple code of conduct concerning the boundaries of safety and negotiation to ensure consensual BDSM.

Negotiation in terms of the sexual scenes is required to ensure that the BDSM play is enjoyable and safe for both parties involved. The discussion of what activities are available and the mutual definition of the play is the only way both the dominant and submissive will be able to comfortably perform. There is a complexity to negotiation depending on the trust and emotional attachment the partners have towards each other, the more familiarity between the two the less negotiation needed. The extent of negotiation depends on the partner's involvement, for example, less risk behavior the less negotiation needed.

Safewords are verbal codes both partners can recognize as the end or altering of activities done in a BDSM scene. It is an important asset to continue the consent through the relationship and scene itself. The use of a safeword at any time, regardless of the intensity of the scene, usually signifies the end to a scene, or activity and possible withdrawal of consent completely. Within the community of BDSM, there are universal safewords used according to traffic lights and known as "house safewords". Red means stop everything, yellow means slow down and to not go any further, and green meaning go and continue with more intensity. There are also possibilities where speaking is not an option and so there are "silent safewords" that are simple gestures that represent stopping an activity, for example, clapping hands, snapping fingers, or any action showing the scene must end. The use of safewords and the abode of them go hand and hand with consent and negotiation. All of it ensures a safe space where both participants are able to enjoy the sexual play.

The BDSM community takes consent very seriously and promotes safe play. They provide many resources so people may learn how to respect consent, such as education, information, and safety. They also provide public playrooms with dungeon monitors to make sure the rules are kept and followed.They have consequences for people who break the built trust and disobey the rule of consent and boundaries. Some punishments include being blacklisted from the community and labeled as a "predator." Being blacklisted includes being personally ridiculed by individual members, as well as exclusion from play parties, clubs, and organizations held by the community.

Although they take all the precautions to the events, coercion and sexual assault still occur inside and outside the community. There are many forms to this that include, knowingly violating consent, accidental violations, and misunderstandings from the lack of communication towards definitions and agreed-upon activities. The National Coalition for Sexual Freedom (NCSF) is an educational organization that is driven to propose positive and safe sex that was founded in 1997. They conducted a survey with 4,598 participants in BDSM and 1,307 of them reported being touched without consent. Out of the participants, 26% reported they were attacked by a predator and 33% said they were coerced. 81% of the sample said that during the activity they wanted it to stop. It's important to include that participants of BDSM are not more likely to be coerced or sexually assaulted, there is no significant relationship between the two. That being said just because someone participates in a dominant and submissive relationship does not mean they will eventually be sexually assaulted or coerced.

Consensual non-consensuality is a mutual agreement to act as if consent has been waived within safe, sane limits. It is an agreement that consent is given in advance, sometimes without foreknowledge of the exact actions planned, though within defined limits subject to a safeword, reasonable care, common sense, or other restrictions. The consent is given with the intent of its being irrevocable under normal circumstances. As such, it is a show of extreme trust and understanding and is usually undertaken only by partners who know each other well, or otherwise agree to set clear, safe limits on their activities.

It is not unusual to grant consent only for an hour or for an evening. When a scene lasts for more than a few hours, it is common to draft a "scene contract" that defines what will happen and who is responsible for what. It is a good way to work out what all the parties want and usually improves the experience. Some contracts can become quite detailed and run for many pages, especially if a scene is to last a weekend or more.

For long term consent, a "slave contract" may be drawn up. Slave contracts are simply a way for consenting adults to define the nature of their relationship and clarify personal boundaries, and are not intended to carry legal force.

After a slave contract is drafted, some celebrate the event with a "collaring ceremony", in which the local D/s community is invited to witness the commitment made in the document. Some ceremonies become quite elaborate, and can be as involved as a wedding or any similar ritual.


A woman submissive wearing a typical "slave collar" at Cologne Pride. Her male master is pulling her using the ring of O attached to the collar. The woman is also wearing a mouth gagand her hands are in bondage.

Some people maintain a special room or area, called a dungeon or playroom, that contains special equipment, such as shackleshandcuffswhipsqueening stools, and spanking benches or a Berkley horse, for example, used for play scenes, or they may visit a BDSM club that maintains such facilities.


Many submissives in a submissive relationship wear a collar to indicate their submissive status and commitment. It can be much like a wedding band, except that only the submissive partner wears one. The traditional collar is a neck band in leather or metal, chosen, designed, and even crafted by the dominant partner. Some subs may wear a "symbolic collar", often a bracelet or ankle chain, which is more subdued than the traditional collar and can pass in non-BDSM situations. It is not uncommon for a sub to have several collars for special occasions. Collars are integral for animal roleplay.

Many people—for example, some in the punk rock and goth subcultures—wear collars for other reasons, such as fashion. So, one cannot assume that all people wearing collars are involved in BDSM. Members of the furry fandom may also wear collars as a part of costuming or as fashion. Use of collars in the sexual aspects of furry lifestyle may or may not be connected to BDSM, depending on the individual's preferences.


One of the most famous works in this area is Leopold von Sacher-Masoch's Venus im Pelz (Venus in Furs, 1869), in which the protagonist, Severin, persuades a woman, Wanda, to take him on as her slave, serves her, and allows her to degrade him. The book has elements of both social and physical submission, and is the genesis of the term "masochism" coined by the 19th-century psychiatrist Krafft-Ebing.



Finger In Vagina



Foot job. The sex act in which someone puts their feet on a mans penis, one on each side, and moves them up and down until the man ejaculates.



CFS Covered Full Service (sex with condom)



(Slang) Stands for Dining At The Y. Performing oral sex on a woman with her legs spread



Licensed Massage Practitioner



Massage Girl 



Massage Lady






Oral Without Condom To Completion



Is translated into Pay for Play and it refers to the idea of paying for sexual favours


Pearl Necklace

This stands for the mens ejaculating on the girls neck/chest, producing a white, pearl like, decoration



Private Show (Dance) 



Role playing games

Sexual roleplay is roleplay that has a strong erotic element. It may involve two or more people who act out rolesin order to bring to life a sexual fantasy and may be a form of foreplay and be sexually arousing. Many people regard sexual roleplay as a means of overcoming sexual inhibitions. It may take place in the real world, or via an internet forum, chat-room, video-game, or email—allowing for physically or virtually impossible erotic interests to be enacted.

How seriously the play is taken depends on the participants, and the scenario may be anywhere from simple and makeshift to detailed and elaborate, including costumes and a script. The role-play may involve a fantasy based on any social role and could incorporate any kind of sexual fetish desired by the participants. Examples include items of clothing experienced as erotic or one or more participants being nude. The role-play may involve elements of dominance and submission including sexual bondage and erotic humiliation.

Depending on the play scenario, the roleplay may be before spectators, and bystanders may be unknowing participants in a roleplay. For example, the roleplay may involve house guests or may be taken out of a couple's home and into, say, a bar, street, park etc. A role may require, for example, one or both partners to flirt with a stranger, or for one partner to seduce the other partner's friend, etc. It may also call for one or both partners to, say, strip in a car or park.

The popularity of the Internet has also allowed for online sexual encounters, known as cybersex, which may involve roleplay. In a 2015 US survey, up to 22% of respondents stated that they had performed sexual role play in their lifetime.



Many of the most common sexual roleplays involve a power differential and form part of the dominance and submission aspect of BDSM. Roles can be general designations of power positions, or very specific, detailed fantasies. Some people, such as those living the Gorean lifestyle make use of an entire imaginary world. The controlling player is often called the top or dominant while the controlled individual is called the bottom or submissive. It can be considered dangerous and therefore a safeword is advised to continue the safety of other(s) in such acts.

Examples of scenarios


Uniform fetish: A Japanese woman dressed as a school student.

Common scenarios include:

  • Doctor/Nurse/Patient: medical fetishism where the participants play the roles of doctor, nurse, or patient, e.g., enema play.

  • Escort – Client: one partner assumes the role of paid escort for an encounter.

  • Executive – Secretary: one partner assumes the role of a business executive while the other takes the role of their secretary.

  • Handyman – Housewife: the tradesman enters the housewife's home initially with the intent of carrying out plumbing/maintenance work.

  • Master – Slave: the slave is required to comply with all demands of the master.

  • Photographer – Model: this allows one partner to photograph the other as a precursor to sexual interaction.

  • Stripper – Client: one participant performs a striptease for the other.

  • Teacher – Student: the student dresses for the part and must do as they are told, or are punished.

  • Circus master - Lion: the lion is given a demand and must do it for the sake of entertainment.

  • Sex doll - Doll owner: the sex doll must stay still and be obedient.

  • Pilot – flight attendant: One partner takes on the role of the pilot while the other plays a seductive flight attendant.

  • Mechanic – client: While one partner plays the mechanic the other takes on the role of the client. The client tries to pay the mechanic via seduction.

  • Soldier – girlfriend: A returning soldier is surprised by his girlfriend in a stunning lingerie set. 

Other scenarios include:

  • Ageplay: where an individual acts and/or treats another as if they were a different age. The practice can be regressive, in which the goal is to re-experience childhood, or sexual, recreating a sexual relationship with people of the pretended ages. Generally this can involve someone pretending to be younger than they actually are, but more rarely can involve assuming an older role.

  • Animal roleplay: where a player is treated as a non-human animal such as a dog, pony, or cat.

  • Authority figure/Misbehaving Adult: where a player takes on the role of an authority figure and blackmails or humiliates his or her partner into sexual activity.

  • Clown kink in the manner of coulrophilia between a young person and a performing mimejester, or circus clown

  • Gender-play: where one or more players take on roles of another gender.

  • Incest fantasy: also known as incest play, where two or more play the role of family members.

  • Owner/Inanimate object: such as the bottom being human furniture.

  • Prison fetish: situational play set in a prison environment. Given real life prisons are same-sex communities, this fetish does lend itself to male on male or female on female activities and settings. Opposite gender play is also possible between inmates and guards or when the setting includes a co-ed facility/institution. Prison play is also an expansion of the uniform fetish by use of inmate, guard, and staff uniforms.

  • Torturer/Captive prisoner: where one player is a captor who abuses the other, can also include ravishment and kidnap scenarios.

  • Uniform fetishism: one participant dresses in uniform (for instance as a school student, cheerleaderFrench maid, etc.), while the other participant plays an authority figure (e.g., a parent, teacher, coach, police officer). Can also include scenarios with both participants in uniforms.

  • Supernatural Seductions: One participant takes the role of a predatory vampire, incubus, succubus or witch and seduces, enthralls or claims the other participant as their victim.

  • Rape play involves acting out roles of coercive sex with communication, consent and safety being especially crucial elements.

Sexologist Gloria Brame lists a number of these scenarios, as does Trevor Jacques.



Sat On My Face



Too Good To Be True. If you say that something seems too good to be true, you are suspicious of it because it seems better than you had expected, and you think there may be something wrong with it that you have not noticed.  This term expresses the skeptical view that something so seemingly fine must have something wrong with it. The term was part of the title of Thomas Lupton's Sivquila; Too Good to be True (1580).

Finally, don't worry, I am good and I am true!


Light domination receive or give soft domination

When it comes to exploring the world of BDSM, one term that often comes up is "soft dom." But what exactly does it mean to be a soft dom? How does it differ from other types of dominance within the BDSM community? This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of soft domination, its characteristics, techniques, and the importance of consent. We'll also explore the nurturing aspect of being a soft dom and address some common misconceptions. So, let's unlock the secrets of soft domination and satisfy our curiosity today!

A soft dom, short for soft dominance, refers to a style of dominance within the BDSM context that emphasizes a more gentle and nurturing approach. While BDSM often involves aspects of power exchange and control, a soft dom focuses on creating a safe and loving environment for their submissive partner. The term "soft" does not imply a lack of authority or dominance but highlights the care, empathy, and affection that a soft dom brings to the dynamic.


In a soft dom and sub relationship, the dominant partner takes on a nurturing role, ensuring their submissive's physical and emotional well-being. They prioritize communication, trust, and consent, making sure that both partners' needs and boundaries are respected. Soft doms are known for balancing dominance and tenderness, creating a dynamic that promotes pleasure, growth, and intimacy.

Characteristics of a Soft Dom


Soft doms possess various characteristics that distinguish them from other types of dominants in the BDSM community. Here are some common attributes associated with a soft dom:


1. Gentle and Caring: A soft dom approaches their submissive partner with kindness, compassion, and a genuine concern for their well-being. They cherish and nurture their submissive, ensuring their physical and emotional needs are met.


2. Communication-Oriented: Soft doms value open and honest communication. They actively listen to their submissive's desires, concerns, and boundaries, fostering a safe space for both partners to express themselves.


3. Empathetic and Intuitive: Soft doms have a heightened sense of empathy, allowing them to understand and connect deeply with their submissive partner's emotions and needs. They intuitively respond to cues and signals, adapting their approach accordingly.


4. Respectful Boundaries: Soft doms prioritize consent and understand the importance of respecting their submissive's boundaries. They actively negotiate and discuss to ensure that all activities are consensual and within agreed-upon limits.


5. Patient and Understanding: Soft doms understand that growth and submission take time. They are patient with their submissive partner, allowing them to explore their desires, overcome challenges, and gradually embrace their submissive identity.


6. Affectionate and Loving: Soft doms focus on dominance's physical aspects and create emotional intimacy and deep connections with their submissive. They express love, care, and appreciation during play and outside of BDSM scenes.


7. Nurturing and Supportive: Soft doms take on a caregiver-like role, providing emotional support and guidance to their submissive partner. They encourage personal growth and self-discovery and celebrate their submissive's achievements.

Techniques Used by Soft Doms in BDSM Play


Soft domination techniques encompass a range of intimate and sensual activities that prioritize the pleasure and well-being of the submissive partner. Here are some methods commonly used by soft doms:


1. Sensual Touch: Soft doms utilize sensual touch for connection and arousal. They may run their hands gently over their submissive's body, caress sensitive areas, and explore different types of contact to elicit pleasure.


2. Affirming and Praise: Soft doms provide verbal affirmations and praise during play to uplift and validate their submissive. They recognize their submissive's efforts, highlighting their desires and achievements as part of the dominant-submissive dynamic.


3. Guided Fantasies: Soft doms create and guide fantasies tailored to their submissive's desires and boundaries. They may engage in role-play scenarios, encouraging their submissives to explore their fantasies in a safe and consensual environment.


4. Slow-Building Intensity: Soft doms focus on gradual intensity, slowly building up sensations and emotions to enhance pleasure and anticipation. They may use teasing techniques, edging, or prolonged foreplay to create a heightened sense of desire.


5. Sensory Play: Soft doms explore sensory play using various props and techniques stimulating the senses. This may include blindfolds, feathers, ice cubes, or temperature play to add a novel and pleasurable element to the experience.


6. Positive Reinforcement: Soft doms use positive reinforcement techniques to reward and encourage their submissive's behavior and accomplishments. This can include verbal praise, physical affection, or small rewards that reinforce desired behaviors.


7. Emotional Connection: Soft doms prioritize emotional connection and intimacy during BDSM play. They may engage in deep conversations, eye contact, or comforting gestures to create a strong bond of trust and understanding.


It's essential to note that these techniques should always be consensual, discussed, and agreed upon before engaging in any BDSM play. Communication and consent form the foundation of a healthy and satisfying soft dom and sub relationship.

Nurturing Aspect in Soft Dom Relationships


The nurturing aspect in soft dom relationships is a defining characteristic of this style of dominance. Soft doms provide a safe space for their submissive partner to explore their desires, boundaries, and vulnerabilities. They prioritize their submissive's emotional well-being and growth.


The nurturing aspect can manifest in various ways, including:


1. Emotional Support: Soft doms offer emotional support and validation to their submissive partner. They create an environment where the submissive feels safe to express their emotions, fears, and insecurities without judgment.


2. Submissive Growth: Soft doms encourage personal growth and exploration in their submissive partner. They empower them to discover their desires, fantasies, and limits and support them as they navigate their BDSM journey.


3. Care and Affection: Soft doms express care and affection towards their submissive partner, both during BDSM play and outside of it. They may engage in acts of tenderness, such as cuddling, holding hands, or showering their submissive with physical affection.


4. Intimacy and Connection: Soft doms prioritize building an intimate and deep emotional connection with their submissive partner. They create a dynamic rooted in trust, understanding, and vulnerability, where both partners feel seen and valued.


The nurturing aspect of soft dom relationships creates a space for healing, personal development, and self-discovery for the submissive. It allows for a more holistic approach to dominance, where physical pleasure is complemented by emotional support and growth.


The Importance of Consent in a Soft Dom and Sub Relationship


Consent is fundamental to any BDSM relationship, including soft dom and sub dynamics. Soft doms understand the significance of obtaining explicit and enthusiastic consent from their submissive partner before engaging in any BDSM activity.


Explicit consent involves open and honest communication about desires, boundaries, and limits. It ensures that both the soft dom and submissive understand and agree to the activities and dynamics involved. Consent should be ongoing and can be renegotiated at any time to accommodate changing needs and preferences.


Soft doms actively practice consent by:


1. Establishing Communication Channels: Soft doms create an open and non-judgmental space for their submissive partner to express their desires, boundaries, and concerns. They encourage open and ongoing discussions about consent.


2. Negotiating Boundaries: Soft doms carefully negotiate the boundaries, limits, and activities that both partners are comfortable with. They take the time to understand each other's needs and establish clear guidelines.


3. Check-Ins: Checking In Soft doms regularly check in with their submissive partner during and after BDSM play. They pay attention to verbal cues and body language and use safe words or signals to ensure continued consent and real-time feedback.


4. Respecting Limits: Soft doms prioritize respecting their submissive's limits without exception. They understand that boundaries can evolve and ensure that consent is always present, even as the dynamic evolves.


Consent forms the cornerstone of a healthy and fulfilling soft dom and sub relationship. It ensures that all activities are safe, consensual, and aligned with both partners' desires and boundaries.


Exploring Boundaries as a Soft Dom


As a soft dom, it is crucial to understand boundaries and respect them thoroughly. Boundaries are the limits set by individuals to define what they are comfortable with and are not. As a soft dom, you must ensure that you are aware of your submissive partner's boundaries and respect them fully.


Here are some critical considerations for exploring boundaries as a soft dom:


1. Open and Honest Communication: Communication is vital to understanding and respecting boundaries. Have open and honest conversations with your submissive partner about their likes, dislikes, and hard limits. Please encourage them to express their boundaries without fear of judgment.


2. Active Listening: Pay attention to verbal and non-verbal cues from your submissive partner. Listening actively and being attentive to their comfort levels during play is essential. Remember that boundaries can change over time, so ongoing communication is vital.


3. Safe Words and Signals: Establish a safe word or signal with your submissive partner to allow them to communicate if they need to stop or are reaching their limits. Always respect and act upon the safe word or signal without question.


4. Gradual Exploration: While exploring boundaries can be an exciting part of BDSM play, it is important to proceed slowly and gradually. Pushing boundaries without consent can lead to discomfort, emotional distress, or even harm. Always prioritize the well-being of your submissive partner.


5. Regular Check-Ins: Check in with your submissive partner regularly, both during and after BDSM scenes, to ensure their physical and emotional well-being. This allows you to assess if any boundaries have been crossed unintentionally and address any concerns or discomforts that may arise.


Remember, being a soft dom does not mean that you can disregard or manipulate boundaries. It means you prioritize dominance's nurturing and caring aspects while respecting the limits your submissive partner sets.


Communication Tips for a Successful Soft Dom Relationship


Effective communication is the foundation of any healthy relationship, which also holds for a successful soft dom relationship. As a soft dom, it is essential to establish open and honest lines of communication with your submissive partner to ensure trust, understanding, and mutual satisfaction. Here are some communication tips to enhance your soft dom relationship:


1. Active Listening: Listen to your submissive partner without interruption or judgment. Please give them your full attention, maintain eye contact, and empathize with their needs and desires. Valuing their thoughts and feelings will strengthen the emotional connection between you.


2. Encourage Expressiveness: Create a safe space for your submissive partner to express their desires, concerns, and boundaries freely. Remind them that their feelings and opinions are valid and respected, fostering an environment of trust and open communication.


3. Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular check-ins to discuss the dynamic of your soft dom relationship. These conversations can cover various topics, such as exploring new desires, addressing concerns or challenges, and reaffirming consent and boundaries. Flexibility and adaptability are vital in maintaining a healthy and evolving relationship.


4. Non-Verbal Communication: Non-verbal cues play a significant role in communication. Please pay attention to your submissive partner's body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice to gain deeper insights into their feelings and desires. This can help you understand their needs even when they struggle to articulate them verbally.


5. Feedback and Reflection: After engaging in BDSM play, reflect on the experience together. Offer constructive feedback and encourage your submissive partner to share their thoughts and emotions. This feedback loop helps strengthen the bond between you and provides an opportunity for growth and improvement.


6. Practice Emotional Support: As a soft dom, offering emotional support to your submissive partner is essential beyond the realm of BDSM play. Show empathy, understanding, and a willingness to listen when they need someone to lean on. Share affection and reassurance to reinforce the bond of trust and care.


Remember, effective communication is an ongoing process requiring both partners' active effort. By prioritizing open and honest communication, you can establish a strong foundation in your soft dom relationship and create a space for growth, exploration, and satisfaction.


The Role of Aftercare in Soft Dom Play


Aftercare is essential to any BDSM play, including soft dom dynamics. It refers to the care and support provided to the submissive partner after a scene or plays session to ensure their emotional and physical well-being. Aftercare is a time for both partners to reconnect, debrief, and reaffirm their bond. 


Here are some essential aspects to consider regarding aftercare as a soft dom:


1. Emotional Support: After BDSM play, provide emotional support and reassurance to your submissive partner. Listen attentively to their experiences, validate their emotions, and offer comfort and ease. This support helps them process any intense emotions that may have arisen during play.


2. Physical Comfort: Attend to your submissive partner's physical comfort during aftercare. Offer blankets, water, or a warm drink to help them relax and recover. Physical touches such as caresses or gentle massages can provide soothing and grounding sensations.


3. Verbal Affirmation: Express appreciation for your submissive partner's trust and vulnerability during play. Use uplifting and affirming language to reinforce the power dynamic and the connection between you. Kind, positive words can help foster a sense of safety and encourage future exploration.


4. Aftercare Discussion: Engage in a debriefing conversation after play sessions to reflect on the experience together. Discuss what went well, what could be improved, and any thoughts or emotions that arose. This discussion allows both partners to process the scene and strengthen communication and connection.


5. Individual Needs: Everyone's aftercare needs may vary. Some individuals may require solitude and quiet reflection, while others may crave closer physical contact or additional reassurance. Respect and accommodate your partner's unique needs and preferences.


Remember, aftercare is not a one-size-fits-all concept. Each individual, including soft doms, may have their preferences and requirements. Always communicate with your submissive partner to understand their needs and provide appropriate aftercare to ensure their well-being.


Debunking Common Misconceptions About Soft Doms


As with any BDSM role or identity, misconceptions and stereotypes are often associated with being a soft dom. Let's now address and debunk some of the most common misconceptions surrounding soft doms:


1. Soft Doms Lack Dominance: One of the most prevalent misconceptions is that soft doms lack dominance or are not "real" dominants. This is far from true. Soft doms prioritize a nurturing and caring approach to dominance but still maintain control and authority within the dynamic.


2. Soft Doms are Weak: Soft doms are often misunderstood as weak or passive. In reality, they possess strength in navigating and adapting to their submissive partner's needs, emotions, and desires. Their gentle demeanor does not negate their dominance.


3. Soft Doms are Pushovers: Soft doms are sometimes assumed to be easily manipulated or taken advantage of by their submissives. However, this is different. Soft doms establish firm boundaries, ensure consent, and exude strength in creating a safe and nurturing environment.


4. It's All About Pleasure: While soft doms prioritize pleasure, it's not solely about physical pleasure. They also focus on emotional well-being, growth, and connection. The pleasure derived from soft dom dynamics goes beyond the physical and encompasses a more profound sense of intimacy and trust.


5. Soft Doms Lack Authority: Soft doms may be perceived as having less authority than hard doms. However, their power is established through trust, emotional connection, and the consent given by their submissive partner. Their superiority lies in their ability to guide and nurture.


It's essential to recognize that BDSM dynamics are diverse and unique to each individual and relationship. Soft doms have their distinct style of dominance, which should not be diminished or discredited based on misconceptions.


What Types of Doms Are There?



Without further ado, here are the different dom types. For many dominants, their type is not strictly one type of dominant, but rather a combination of two or three or even more.

1. Daddy/Mommy Dominants

Mommy and Daddy doms are quite common. Daddy and Mommy dominants are usually seen as caring and protective and make good partners for submissives who are vulnerable, sensitive, or otherwise need that care. Nurturing doms often like subs for their playfulness, cuteness, and innocence or even naivete and take responsibility for their sub’s wellbeing seriously.

5 Examples & Ideas For Dominating As Daddy/Mommy Dom

  1. Scolding – when subs make a mistake

  2. Spanking – when they step out of line

  3. Reassuring – cuddling your sub and telling them they are a good girl or boy. 19 great cuddling positions.

  4. Protecting – their submissive’s feelings

  5. Praising – their partner for listening and obeying (great if you’ve got a praise kink)

2. Masters/Mistresses

Although “Master” or “Mistress” could be a nickname used in any D/s relationship or BDSM scene, a couple that goes as “Master” and “slave” frequently engages in 24/7 power exchange, which is also known as total power exchange (TPE). It’s common for a TPE dom to be called a master or mistress and not a dominant.

In TPE, the power exchange never ends; instead, it permeates the couples’ entire lifestyle, with the master or mistress taking control of all or most aspects of their life together, potentially removing the slave’s ability to argue or decline.

3 Examples of a Master or Mistress

  1. Providing permission – for the sub to masturbate, eat, use the bathroom, touch themselves, or speak, for example

  2. Administering discipline – when orders are not followed accurately

  3. Taking responsibility – for the slave’s physical, mental, emotional, and financial wellbeing

3. Brat Tamer

As you might have guessed, a brat tamer is the counterpart to a brat, a submissive who is known for being rebellious and hardheaded. Brat tamers must be equally strong to earn a brat’s submission and understand the nature of this behavior.

When a brat tamer uses discipline or force on their sub, that attention ultimately makes the brat feel desired, cared about, and even safe.

The patience and even temper necessary to be a successful brat tamer aren’t traits possessed by every type of dom. Some prefer subs who won’t talk back. However, many brat tamers find the challenge/behavior of the brat amusing.

5 Aspects of Brat Taming

  1. Physically restraining and overpowering – if the brat resists; bondage can help

  2. Giving orders – which may be ignored or resisted

  3. Providing punishment – when necessary but without losing their temper. These 16 BDSM punishment ideas should help.

  4. Showing strength – in response to bratty behavior; backing down or appearing weak is not what the brat wants

  5. Remaining patient and respectful – showing the brat that they are not too much to handle and are cared for

4. Rope Top/Rigger

In BDSM, a rope top or rigger is a dominant who is especially or only interested in rope bondage. They might dabble in everything from suspension to chest harnesses to hogtying, to name just a few.

Riggers can sometimes be found at play parties, dungeons, or conventions, and their partners can even be fully clothed. Serious rope tops often take photos of their hard work, which can include ties they’ve invented themselves.

5 Responsibilities of a Rop Top

  1. Preparing – rope and accessories such as carabiners

  2. Focusing on their sub – discussing any injuries or issues before starting, focusing on bodily reactions while tying, etc

  3. Carefully tying – so that rope sits without twisting or chafing; without pulling rope across the skin or letting loose rope hit the sub

  4. Ensuring the submissive’s safety – checking that rope isn’t frayed, suspension can hold their weight, avoiding pressure on the organs/pressure points, listening to safe words, and quickly untying or letting down subs in times of emergency

  5. Practicing – tying knots can include watching videos, reading books or sites, and attending workshops

5. Findom (only give)

This type of dom is the counterpart to a finsub (sometimes known as a paypig). “Fin” stands for financial, but financial power exchange shouldn’t be confused with traditional sex work where the sex worker provides sexual stimulation in exchange for money.

Instead, a findom controls their submissives money in some way. Knowing that someone else controls their finances is part of the appeal for finsubs.

Because the finsub’s money and not their body is controlled, these arrangements work well for long-distance relationships.

4 Aspects of Financial Domination

  1. Restricting access to money and accounts – including credit cards, bank accounts, etc.

  2. Giving access to money – ie an allowance

  3. Receiving money from a finsub – for services

  4. Humiliation play – such as verbal humiliation (a big component for some but not all findom relationships)

6. Service Top

If you’re the type of dominant who enjoys giving sensation and stimulation to your partner to fulfill their needs, you might be a service top. Service tops may not find that being dominant is part of their personalities; instead, they take the active role during BDSM scenes because they enjoy servicing people.

This role ends when the scene does, and their ideal partners may be bottoms but not necessarily submissives.

Serving topping can be seen as the counterpart to topping from the bottom.

Read More: What is Topping from the Bottom?

Some professional dominants, including prodommes, to be a type of service top.

6 Examples of Service Topping

  1. Binding the sub – with rope, cuffs, blindfolds, or other bondage implements

  2. Performing impact play – such as spanking, caning, paddling, flogging, etc

  3. Providing stimulation – temperature play, blades, hitting, electricity, etc

  4. Assisting other dominants or tops – with punishment, etc

  5. Negotiating with bottoms – before scenes

  6. Heeding safe words – during scenes

7. Owner

Some subs play as pets–dogs, cats, and horses, to name just a few. Their dominant partners are often owners. Together, these couples replicate the relationship between an animal and its owner with behaviors depending on the specific animal. For example, pony play probably involves more training and manual labor than other types of pet play.

Pet play creates many opportunities for unique accessories and sex toys, including collars, muzzles, leashes, tack for ponies, and more.

Learn more about pet play.

4 Examples of Owner Dom Behavior

  1. Training – their pony, pup, kitten or other pet

  2. Securing accessories and gear – collars, tack, muzzles

  3. Grooming their pet – brushing and bathing

  4. Providing other care – such as water, food, and attention

8. Domme

“Domme” is just the feminized version of “dom” so this refers to a female dominant and is pronounced the same. That’s really the one difference when it comes to dominant v domme. Technically, a Mommy dom is a misnomer because it would be a Mommy domme.

Prodomme – You’ll sometimes see “domme” added to other words as is the case with prodomme, which simply means she’s a professional. But not everyone considers this a type of femdom because it’s work and not a lifestyle.

Dominatrix – Some people refer to a professional domme as a dominatrix, while others use that description for any female domme, which can cause confusion.

Femdom – “Femdom” can refer to the woman or activities/relationship and is a common label for porn featuring women in charge. However, some people describe power exchange relationships between a domme and male submissive specifically as femdom.

Gender doesn’t necessarily describe the way a person dominates. A woman can be any type of dom on this list. Aside from prodommes and Mommies, there usually aren’t as many types of dommes as there are doms.

4 Examples of Female Domination

  1. Providing stimulation and sensation to a partner – pleasure, pain, sensual domination, bondage, etc

  2. Giving orders and punishment – can include humiliation or sissification or assigning submissive tasks

  3. Caring for a partner’s wellbeing – physical, mental, emotional

  4. Pegging – anal penetration with a strap-on, which can stimulate the prostate

Check out these femdom ideas to get inspired.

9. Primal Dom

A primal dom is into wild and animalistic kink and BDSM, which can be considered edgeplay (riskier kink) by many. It’s quite unlike the behavior exhibited by a gentle dominant.

Primal behavior can be triggered by clawing, scratching, biting, or other actions by the partner, sometimes known as the prey. Some primal doms prefer physical strength and their bodies over bondage and other tools.

Occasionally, some primal doms play with other primal doms or alphas, and power exchange flows back and forth, which is less common for other dominant types.

4 Common Actions of the Primal Dominant

  1. Chasing – and pinning the sub

  2. Having rough sex – biting, scratching, hair pulling, etc

  3. Making animalistic noises – including growling

  4. Using the senses – especially smell

10. White Knight Dominant

The White Knight is a type of dom who views themself as the rescuer of their submissive, righting wrongs and battling foes. Many see themselves and are seen as altruistic. Chivalry is often a cornerstone of their beliefs and personality.

White Knights can become frustrated when encountering problems that they cannot fix and may focus too much on saving people–opting for vulnerable or broken partners.

This type of dom is often male.

3 Examples of a White Knight Dom

  1. Solving problems – especially for their submissive

  2. Protecting – their partner and family

  3. Doting on a submissive – who is the princess (or prince) while the dom is the king (or queen)

11. Sadist

A sadist is the type of dom who loves to cause pain. They delight in coming up with unique ways to cause pain to their partners. This pain can be physical or psychological as would happen with humiliation and degradation.

Of course, we’re still talking about BDSM and consent is a must, so this isn’t an actual sadist who would cause pain that really harms their partner. Remember, in BDSM and kink, you hurt without harming. Someone who gets angry takes their aggressions out on their partner, or ignores their sub’s wellbeing isn’t a safe dom.

Related: What is sadomasochism – full guide.

2 Ideas for a Sadist Dom

  1. Causing pain – physical and psychological (humiliation)

  2. Providing aftercare – to deal with sub drop and physical injuries caused during play

Find out what sub drop is.

12. Leather Dom

This type of dominant is part of the greater leather subculture, which arose among members of the military and primarily consists of gay men. Because of this, some leather doms (and subs) may not consider themselves part of the BDSM community or as having D/s relationships.

3 Examples of Leather Doms

A leather dom’s kinky activities can include any in this guide but also often include community engagement, which we’ll focus on.

  1. Portraying masculinity – through leather outfits (tops are known to wear Muir caps), personal style, and engaging in motorcycle clubs

  2. Participating in leather events – parades and competitions like Folsom Street Fair

  3. Practicing traditions – usually based on military protocol

13. Pleasure Dom

This is a relatively newer term that appears to have taken off on TikTok and isn’t really used in person. A pleasure dominant gets their sexual gratification from filling their partner’s sexual needs. The more pleasure they can give, the better. Sex toys and blindfolds are commonly used by pleasure doms.

Pleasure doms are typically male and their subs are female.

Some disagree that this is a type of dominant because there may not be any power exchange. Pleasure dominance might be considered an aspect of service topping.

3 Ideas for a Pleasure Dom

The following examples mostly fall under the greater umbrella of orgasm control.

  1. Edging their partner – bringing the sub close to orgasm before backing off repeatedly with edging

  2. Denying orgasm – through physical actions or spoken commands, potentially ruins orgasms

  3. Torturing with orgasm – stimulates their partner to have as many orgasms as possible, even after it’s uncomfortable

14. Top

A top is the active participant in a scene and the counterpart to a bottom. They aren’t necessarily a dominant and might only play the active role during a kinky scene, perhaps to please their partner, without having a dominant personality or engaging in true power exchange. It’s kind of like the opposite of a TPE dom.

You won’t really hear someone described as a “dom top” because of this difference. However, you could think of them as “bedroom dominants” only, similar to bedroom subs.

4 Examples of Topping

  1. Spanking the sub – or engages in other impact play

  2. Binding their partner – with rope, gags, blindfolds, or other tools

  3. Respecting safe words – pausing or stopping play when used

  4. Knowing their tools – to use them safely and correctly

15. Feeder

This is definitely a less common dom type. Feederism is a very specific fetish in which people get off on eating (or feeding someone else) to the point of discomfort. The “feedee” or “gainer” is the one who eats, while the feeder participates by providing food.

2 Traits of a Feeder

  1. Feeding their partner – including preparing food and encouraging eating past comfort

  2. Fetishizing the (fat) body – as it becomes bigger; can include body worship (especially involving the stomach)

16. Mentor

A dominant mentor isn’t so much another type of dom as it is someone who is dominant and experienced in the lifestyle and potentially community, which allows them to guide people who are new to these things. Submissives can also be mentors.

When it comes to mentoring, some dominants mentor other dominants to help teach them the skills they’ll need to guide their (future) submissives. Some submissives seek out sub mentors for the same reason. However, a dominant could mentor a sub to provide information and expertise about BDSM that subs don’t have access to.

A dominant mentor and submissive mentee do not exchange power in the same way as in a D/s relationship. A person who uses mentorship to prey on new submissives might be more of a fake dom (see below) than anything else.

6 Ideas for a Dominant Mentor

  1. Listening to the mentee – vents, concerns, questions

  2. Giving advice – whether in response to specific questions or more generally

  3. Displaying patience – with someone new to BDSM/kinky sex

  4. Teaching – how to use tools, communicate, read body language, etc

  5. Providing structure – through tasks or assignments if it helps the mentee learn

  6. Helping – the mentee find their own flavor of dominance or kink instead of pushing their dominant type on the other person

17. Gentle/Soft Dom

A soft or gentle dominant might not like to play with brats or other types of subs who are more rebellious. Some soft doms avoid anything that causes pain entirely while others incorporate light activities, ie spanking.

4. Examples of Soft Domming

  1. Nurturing partner – instead of expecting obedience to strict rules for their submissive or punishment

  2. Encouraging growth and self-love – in their partner

  3. Discussing sternly – instead of punishment

  4. Emphasizing aftercare – after a scene

Note that some people might call themselves “soft doms” to indicate they’re not super dominant.

Related: 11 Ideas for Gentle Femdom

18. Breeder

There doesn’t seem to be a consensus about the use of this term within the breeder fetish community, which can be a bit confusing. Some people are incredibly turned on by the idea of becoming or getting someone pregnant. This may stay in the realm of role play where dirty talk and unnoticed birth control are used. However, some people take it all the way to actually getting pregnant.

The two common definitions of breeder include anyone into this fetish or the person (man) impregnating someone else. When it comes to getting someone else pregnant, there can certainly be some domination.

  1. Discussing the fetish – saying how much they want to get someone pregnant

  2. Penetrating and ejaculating – without a condom/protection (which can lead to STIs as well as pregnancy)

  3. Fetishizing – their partner’s pregnant or fertile body (perhaps enjoying sex during pregnancy), potentially viewing it as their property


19. Fake Dom

We end with a type of dom that many don’t consider to be a real dominant. You see, a fake dom is all about getting their needs met without caring about their partner or taking the responsibilities of a dominant seriously. Few people would call this dom type a caring dominant.

They may focus on sex more than other aspects of intimate power exchange, ignore safety precautions such as aftercare, expect submission from any sub, and not respect that it takes time to get to know a potential partner, whether you’re kinky or not.

Never ignore these 8 BDSM rules that keep things safe!

A real dom respects safety and your boundaries and understands if you need to take things slowly or want to vet each other before play or getting into a relationship.

Now that you’re more familiar with the different dominant types, which one do you think suits you or would make a good partner? Perhaps you’re more than one type of domme or you don’t really see the type of dominant you are on this list, and that’s perfectly okay! After all, BDSM is all about creating the experience you want! Remember that existing terms change and new ones pop up all the time.

Orgasm Every Time. Easily. Here’s How...

And best of all, you don’t need to do anything weird or uncomfortable to start having the best orgasms and sex of your life.


Hard domination give

Soft Dom vs. Hard Dom: Understanding the Differences


A standard comparison made in the world of BDSM is between soft doms and hard doms. While both types of dominance involve power exchange and control, significant differences set them apart.


Hard doms, or strict or traditional dominants, focus more on creating an intense and strict power dynamic. They may employ harsher commands, physical punishment, and degradation as part of their dominant play. Their style of dominance leans towards dominance as a means of control, exerting their power and authority over their submissive.


On the other hand, soft doms prioritize emotional connection, trust, and nurturing aspects within their dominance.They utilize a more gentle and caring approach, emphasizing the well-being and pleasure of their submissive. Soft doms may use soft commands, praise, and affectionate guidance to create an environment of trust and intimacy.


It's important to note that the distinction between soft and hard doms is not black and white. BDSM dynamics can be fluid, and individuals may exhibit both soft and hard dom traits depending on the specific context and their partner's preferences.



Uniform fetishism is a particular type of clothing fetishism in which an individual is sexually aroused by uniforms. It is a form of sexual fetishism. Uniform fetishism has been associated with a variety of different uniforms, including schoolgirl and cheerleader uniforms, French maid uniforms, and uniforms associated with police or military organisations.

Types of uniforms

Among the most common uniforms in uniform fetish are those of a police officer, prison officer, soldier, schoolgirl, nurse, French maid, waitress, cheerleader, and Playboy Bunny. Some people also regard nuns' habits or even aprons as uniforms. The uniforms may be genuine, realistic, or they may be sexualized through the use of a very short miniskirt, a very long hobble skirt or a corset, through the use of stockingsfishnet tights, or high heels, or by being made of leather or latex, according to preference. Sometimes uniforms are used according to what activity is being done. For example, someone may wear a nurse's uniform to administer an enema or a police uniform to handcuff and cage someone. Two people may dress as inmates for cellmate-on-cellmate activities in a prison setting or as a submissive to a third (prison guard) roleplayer. This may add a sense of authenticity to the game play. A stripper dressed as a police officer is a popular fixture at birthday and bachelor parties. The "officer" begins with a mock "arrest", often using handcuffs, of the guest of honor before going into a dance routine.


Schoolgirl uniform

A schoolgirl uniform fetish is a sexual fetish in which someone derives sexual pleasure from viewing others dressed in the typical schoolgirl uniform, or from themselves dressing in that manner. The fetish is common in both Japanese and Western pornography, prostitution, and other forms of adult entertainment, making it one of the most widespread clothing-oriented fetishes worldwide. In Japan, the fetish often uses a modified version of the traditional Japanese school uniformadapted to the more sexualized form of the Kogal fashion style.[citation needed]

The schoolgirl image may appeal to women because it allows them to project a more youthful, innocent, or virginal image. These same reasons can explain part of the look's appeal to males as well. It may also have a less sexual aspect of nostalgia, recalling memories of a simpler time in one's life. Indeed, fetishes often start to develop at puberty, when schoolgirls may have featured as unattainable objects of desire, for example among men who attended an all-boys school. Often the contrast of a fully developed woman in a childlike role is appealing, in the same manner as other forms of sexual role-playing.

In practice, the schoolgirl role is usually one which is sexually compliant or playfully "naughty" and submissive, while the schoolgirl's partner plays an adult authority figure such as a stern parent, teacher, or principal. This can include fantasies or reenactments of childhood events including corporal punishments such as spankingscanings, or paddlings, among others, or dominating situations such as bullying or seduction.


Cheerleader uniform

Another popular clothing fetish involves cheerleader uniforms. The popularity of the provocative Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders in the 1970s established the cheerleader as an American icon of wholesome sex appeal. An entire subgenre of sexploitation films emerged, with titles such as The Swinging Cheerleaders (1974) and Cheerleaders' Wild Weekend (1979), plus countless pornographic films starting with Debbie Does Dallas in 1978. As a result, the uniform remains an American favorite for Halloween costumescostume parties, exotic dancers, specialty prostitutes, and role-playing couples.[citation needed]


French maid uniform

Maid cafés are known for waitresses dressed in maid costumes, performing acts on a stage.

A popular costume for sexual roleplay, the French maid uniform, worn by a servant who traditionally defers to her wealthy master, carries an implicit dominance and submission symbolism. When worn during sexual foreplay or by practitioners of the BDSMlifestyle, the maid may perform humbling (or even humiliating) acts of servitude, such as dusting, mopping, serving drinks, or forniphilia (e.g. posing as a footstool or other forms of human furniture). In Friends with Money (2006), Jennifer Aniston's character (who is a cleaner by profession), dresses as a French maid for her boyfriend, first vacuuming and using a feather duster, then having sexual intercourse whilst still in costume. On the NBC TV series 30 Rock (May 2009, season 3, episode 3), Aniston (guest-starring) once again wore a skimpy maid costume in an attempt to seduce Alec Baldwin's character, Jack Donaghy. In Desperate Housewives (Season 1, Episode 21), Lynette (Felicity Huffman) wears a French maid outfit bought at a lingerie store to spice up her marriage.

Though not strict to historically accurate uniforms, the French maid outfit has an easily recognizable pattern and black-and white theme that remains the template for other forms of the costume.

The typical French maid costume includes:

  • A black dress with white trim, with a full skirt at or above knee length

  • White half-apron, usually with ruffle or lace

  • A ruffled or lace headpiece

  • Long stockings or tights. These can be white or black and vary from design to design

  • High heels

  • Feather duster

  • White or black lace garter

Optional accessories depend on design and context:

  • Choker necklace

  • Pearls

  • Other cleaning equipment

The outfits are frequently worn to fancy dress or costume parties, and also used in drama/theater.


Shrimping receive

Shrimping is described at Urban Dictionary as the sexual act of sucking on another person’s toes.



The act of stimulating a woman's sexual organs with the mouth for sexual pleasure.



Is a slang term for the sexual act involving someone placing their scrotum in the mouth of their sexual partner for sexual pleasure, or onto the face or head of another person, sometimes as a comedic device.

The name of the practice, when it is done in a repeated in-and-out motion, is derived from its passing resemblance to the dipping of a tea bag into a cup of hot water as a method of brewing tea. As a form of non-penetrative sex, it can be done for its own enjoyment or as foreplay.

Oral sex

Along with the penis, the scrotum is sensitive and considered to be an erogenous zone. This makes varying degrees of stimulation an integral part of oral sex. And while some may enjoy the stimulation, not everyone responds to it. Sex experts have suggested various techniques that the performer can use during fellatio to increase their partner's pleasure. These include gently sucking and tugging on the scrotum and use of lips to ensure minimal contact with their teeth. It has also been recommended as a form of foreplay or safer sex

Its gain in prominence has been attributed to its depiction in the 1998 film Pecker, directed by John Waters. It has since become popular enough with couples to be discussed during an episode of the television series Sex and the City.

Sex and relationship experts have varying definitions on how the act is performed. According to columnist Dan Savage, the person whose scrotum is being stimulated is known as "the teabagger" and the one giving the stimulation is "the teabaggee": "A teabagger dips sack; a teabaggee receives dipped sack." Some consider the act to be as simple as fellatio involving the scrotum. Others consider the position to involve the man squatting over his reclined partner, while the testicles are repeatedly raised and lowered into the mouth.


Fisting give (fisting receive is not provided)

Fisting, handballing, fist-fucking, brachiovaginal, or brachioproctic insertion is a sexual activity that involves inserting a hand into the vagina or rectum. Once insertion is complete, the fingers are either clenched into a fist or kept straight. Fisting may be performed on oneself, but it is most often performed on one person by another.


Fisting's emergence as a popular sexual practice is commonly attributed to gay male culture and it may not have existed until the twentieth century. Robert Morgan Lawrence, a sex educator, however, believes the practice dates back thousands of years.The most famous fisting club in the world was the Catacombs, located in San Francisco, which operated during the 1970s and 1980s. The Handball Express was another such club. Criscowas commonly used as a lubricant, before more specialized personal lubricants became available.


In the 1980s, it was assumed that unprotected fisting—which often produces small injuries to the anus, permitting microorganisms access to the blood—was an easy route for transmission of HIV. This, combined with sexual squeamishness towards the public fisting culture in gay establishments of San Francisco, led gay writer Randy Shilts to successfully campaign for the closure of venues, such as gay bathhouses and sex clubs, that openly permitted it.

The San Francisco South of Market Leather History Alley consists of four works of art along Ringold Alley honoring leather culture; it opened in 2017. One of the works of art is metal bootprints along the curb which honor 28 people who were an important part of the leather communities of San Francisco; those honored include Steve McEachern, owner of the fisting club the Catacombs, and Bert Herman, leader of the fisting community, author, and publisher. Modern performance art (especially extreme performance art) can adopt fisting activities such as Ron Athey's Solar Anus(1999) which challenges the feminization and sexual roles associated with male penetration by both giving and receiving penetration through self-fisting.




The beak-like "silent duck" used in the initial stages of fisting

The "silent duck", also called "duck-billing", is the technique often used in which the person engaging in hand insertion shapes the hand to resemble a duck's beak. Typically, fisting does not involve forcing the clenched fist into the vagina or rectum; this is a practice called "punching". Instead, all five fingers are kept straight and held as close together as possible (forming the beak-like "duck"), then slowly inserted into a well lubricated vagina or rectum.


Four fingers inside of the vagina

In more vigorous forms of fisting, such as "punching" or "punchfisting", a fully clenched fist may be inserted and withdrawn slowly.

Fistees who are more experienced may take two fists (double-fisting). In the case of double-fisting, pleasure is derived more from the stretching of the anus or vagina than from the in-and-out movement of hands.


Fisting can cause laceration or perforation of the vaginaperineumrectum, or colon, resulting in serious injury and even death. In addition, sexual activities that forces air into the vagina can lead to a fatal air embolism, predominantly during pregnancy. Participants are advised to use latex gloves, lubricant and keep their nails trimmed.

A 2021 study found that men who received anal fisting were more likely to experience fecal incontinence, compared to men who had anal sex once a week (without drugs or fisting) who did not have an increased risk of incontinence. 18.1% of men who engaged in fisting experienced some form of fecal incontinence in the last month, compared to 7.2% of men who did not engage in fisting.

As anal fisting may cause damage to the rectal mucosa, it may increase the likelihood of transmission of sexually transmitted infections.

Legal status

In the United Kingdom fisting is legal to perform; however, the Crown Prosecution Service considers publication of fisting material to be grounds for prosecution under the Obscene Publications Act 1959. Despite the CPS's guidance, in the case of R v Peacock in 2012, Michael Peacock was found not guilty of breaching the Obscene Publications Act for selling DVDs containing anal fisting. There was also an unsuccessful extreme pornography prosecution in 2012 where it was argued by the prosecution that images of anal fisting constitute extreme pornography and thus are illegal to possess because the act is "likely to result in serious injury to a person's anus, breasts or genitals".

In the United States, according to attorney Allan Gelbard there is nothing "per se illegal" about any pornography so long as it is not child pornography; however, it can be found to be obscene. Fisting is on the Cambria List, a list of sex acts which may be prosecutable under U.S. obscenity law, created by lawyer Paul Cambria in 2001. The list is intended to act as guidelines to help producers avoid obscenity lawsuits.



A quickie is sexual intercourse that a couple may engage in when the time available is minimal. The quickie may arise from a spontaneous sexual desire by the parties or be a regular or planned arrangement.


Because of the limit on available time, foreplay would generally be skipped; women may not have enough time to lubricate naturally.In a planned encounter, the partners may dress in a manner that reduces the time needed for undressing. For example, a woman may wear a wide skirt or a front closing dress and open crotch lingerie, thongsto be pushed aside or no underwear, especially pantyhose. A man may dispense with a jacket and belt. A quickie between a heterosexual couple may generally satisfy only the man's sexual desire.



Edging, peaking, or surfing is a sexual technique whereby an orgasm is controlled. It is practiced alone or with a partner and involves the maintenance of a high level of sexual arousal for an extended period without reaching climax.

When practiced by males, direct sexual stimulation without the refractory period after orgasm is observed. When the controlled orgasm is achieved, the physical sensations are greater as compared to conventional orgasm. Orgasm control is referenced as "slow masturbation" in Alex Comfort's The New Joy of Sex (1993) and "extended massive orgasm" in Vera and Steve Bodansky's 2000 book of the same name. It is similar to the Venus Butterfly technique used in the volume The One Hour Orgasm (1988) by Leah and Bob Schwartz. Detailed practices including exercises can be found in several books, such as Mantak Chia's The Multi-Orgasmic Man.

Orgasm control involves either sex partner being in control of the other partner's orgasm, or a person delaying their own orgasm during sexual activity with a partner or by masturbation. Any method of sexual stimulation can be used to experience controlled orgasm.

In partnered sex

During intercourse or other forms of sexual stimulation with a partner, one person stimulates the other(s) and reduces the level of stimulation when approaching orgasm. Erotic sexual denial occurs when the partner who is in control of the other partner's orgasm prolongs the orgasm to allow for an increased level of sexual tension.[citation needed] When a partner eventually provides enough stimulation to achieve an orgasm, it may be stronger than usual due to increased tension and arousal that builds up during the extended stimulation.[citation needed] An example of the use of orgasm control in partnered sex can be seen in BDSM; if the partner whose orgasm is being controlled (sometimes referred to as the submissive partner) is tied up, it may better control the orgasm[citation needed] (the activity is sometimes called tie and tease; if orgasm is denied, it is then known as tease and denial).


Urethral Sounding

The pursuit of sexual satisfaction has led to an emerging practice among men known as urethral sounding. This practice involves inserting a glass or metal object or fluid into the urethra. The aim is to enhance sexual pleasure by encouraging your partner to explore your penis in several ways. But health specialists have seen an increase in cases of urethral infections, complaints, and sexual function issues as the practice becomes mainstream.

How Does Urethral Sounding Work?

Medically, urethral sounding refers to inserting an object into the urethra for urological surgery. The process helps to dilate the strictures to provide access to the bladder. Medical experts use sterile metal or plastic dilators in the process. Usually, the procedure helps in removing a retained foreign body within the urethra and bladder.‌

Beyond the scope of medical practice, urethral sounding is common among individuals for a variety of reasons. It encompasses a sexual habit to heighten sexual pleasure and arousal. According to medical literature, there's a high risk of injury associated with the practice. The sounding devices can disappear deep into the urethra and no longer be retrieved by the user.

Potential Health Complications of Urethral Sounding

When you insert objects into your urethra, you run the risk of injury and could bring a variety of psychological illnesses upon yourself. Research shows that the practice is becoming widespread, with Google producing more than 5,550 results for the search phrase “urethral sounding.” Most of these come back with complete instructions and diagrams for the recreational procedure.‌

Injury. There’s variability in the techniques and types of tools people use in recreational urethral sounding. This puts them at risk for urinary tract infections (UTIs), urethral strictures, loss of the foreign body, and healthcare expenditures.

Ordinary household objects people use for this purpose include:

  • Pencils

  • Screws

  • Wires

  • Glue containers

  • Clips

  • Phallus-shaped fruits and vegetables‌

Most who end up in the hospital complain of their inability to remove the objects after becoming lodged in their genital cavities. Fortunately, the simple act of seeking medical attention in good time reduces the risk of developing significant complications, especially in individuals without mental health disorders. Concerning complications, they include:

  • Penile necrosis

  • Fistulae wounds

  • Perforation

  • UTIs

Urethral Strictures. Inserting foreign objects in the urethra blocks the productive flow of urine. This leads to other complications like:

In most cases, medical experts will investigate the penis and urethral tube and recommend surgical correction. In extreme cases, implants will be necessary to alleviate pain and pressure and return the penis to its previous abilities.

Is Urethral Sounding Safe?

Men who are interested in urethral sounding for sexual gratification should first understand the issues around it. Introducing objects into this sensitive passageway poses a health risk. They should purchase the items they use from reputable businesses only and embrace proper cleaning practices of those foreign bodies. They also should use lubrications specially designed for sensitive areas.




Services extra for double price:


A Greek

British parlance for anal sexGreek anal sex; anal sexual intercourse; penetration of the anus by the penis or toy or finger or anything else (not more than 13 cm in circumference)


RIM AR active 

Rimming active give. Analingus aka “Asian”: oral stimulation of the anus. A women stimulates anus of a men



Bondage, Discipline, Sado-Masochism. This is a catch-all to refer to the various aspects of negotiated, mutually consensual exchange of power between two consenting adults. Regardless of the depth of the relationship, consent, safety and sanity are the cornerstone of this lifestyle.


GS water sports golden shower

Typically means watching an individual urinate or having them urinate on someone.


Hard sports

Any sexual practice involving faeces



Cucking (short for cuckholding), is an offshoot of swinging most commonly thought of as a kink whereby one partner gets off on watching the other engage in sexual acts with another person. 



To put it simply, queening (which can also be known as kinging) is the act of sitting on someone’s face to facilitate oral (or in some cases anal) sex. Because, let’s face it, we’re all busy people and sometimes it’s best to just get right to the point. Do, however, make sure that your partner is on board with such literal in-your-face behavior.


Menstrual blood give

Receive oral during menstruation. Collect menstrual blood in a cup


Dirty panties

I give you my dirty panties



A threesome involving two men and one woman (no double penetration)



Is a threesome involving a male, female, and female (from your side)



To perform analingus on a male partner whilst masturbating his erect penis at the same time. 

Rusty trombone is a sexual act in which a man stands with his knees and back slightly torqued with feet at least shoulder width apart to expose his  anus. A person typically kneels behind the man and performs  anilingus while reaching up beneath the scrotum or around the body to manually administer rapid up and down motions of the penis, mimicking the motions of a trombone player. The act is defined primarily by the physical orientation of the partners, the combination of anilingus with manual sexual stimulation and the resemblance of the anal sphincter to a trombone mouthpiece; however, other positions and variations are possible.

Usage history

In 2003, the Detroit, Michigan talk radio show Deminski & Doyle began an educational hour discussion of urban-legendary sex acts with the statement, "Try to describe carefully what a 'Cleveland steamer' would be..." and then went into details of the blumpkin and the rusty trombone. Fifteen months later, the Federal Communications Commission proposed a fine of $27,500 to the station's owner, Infinity Broadcasting, through a Notice of Apparent Liability (NAL) that specifically referenced rusty trombone.

Rusty trombone (dirty trombone) gained wider use in entertainment projects developed for release in 2005. For example, comedian Andy Dick used the term in the 2005 documentary film The Aristocrats as part of the infamous dirty joke of the same name. In seeming recognition of the phrase being a part of the filthiest of filthy language, news sources such as The Daily TelegraphSlant MagazineNew Statesman, and The Globe and Mail highlighted rusty trombone in their review of The Aristocrats. In addition, in the 2005 movie The 40-Year-Old Virgin. the character Mooj stated, "It's not about these rusty trombones, and these dirty sanchez." In the film Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny, actor Jack Black is seen in walking around the Venice BeachCalifornia boardwalk in a Rusty Trombone T-shirt. In the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, host Craig Ferguson kept an actual rusty trombone under his desk, which he would occasionally mention and reveal for comedic effect.

Rusty trombone is part of the 2006 party game PervArtistry, where individuals draw sexual pictures on a board, and other players try to guess the sexual synonym for that image.

In 2007, Salt Lake CityUtah activist David Nelson started an online petition calling for the repeal of Utah's existing sodomy law. Reportedly, Utah's existing sodomy law prohibits oral sexanal sex, and the rusty trombone.

Also, in 2007, the rusty trombone was listed as one of 76 entries in The Contemporary Dictionary of Sexual Euphemisms (2007), with its literal definition and sexual corollary.



Girlfriend experience with all three holes



Her Tongue Up My Ass, analingus give


ATM give

Ass To Mouth: A sexual act commonly featured in hardcore pornography where a penis, sex toy or other implement is removed from a person's anus and re-inserted into their mouth



not provided:



Deep Throat. Deep-throating is an oral sex technique that involves taking the entire penis into the mouth until it reaches the back of the throat. Deep-throating can trigger the pharyngeal reflex (also known as the gag reflex), a physical contraction that prevents choking and causes the giver to gag or even regurgitate. This technique’s success often relies on the receiver’s ability to accept the full girth of their partner’s penis into their mouth without gagging or regurgitation (unless the receiver enjoys these common kinks). There are various ways to desensitize this reflex, like deep breathing or routine manual stimulation, making the process more enjoyable for those who are not comfortable with the bodily reactions that result from deep-throating.​



Bare back full service or unprotected intercourse, condom-less sex


Services that cause me pain 

I don't like to feel pain. I don't admit any type of pain. I can make you feel pain. You can't do anything to me that causes me feel pain.



A sexual act in which a woman's vagina and anus are penetrated at the same time


Fisting receive

Fisting is the sexual practice in which someone's entire hand and all five fingers are inserted into the vagina or rectum



Double Digit Penetration, one finger in the vagina with one in the anus. 



NMG No-Money Guys. Mongers who travel on a strict budget.



Pussy For Free



Sex with lack of protection, condom-less. Raw is a slang term that is defined as unprotected sex.


Hard domination receive


  • asks you to obey rather than making you

  • pushes your boundaries but in a cumulative way

  • may be more about the play less about the aggression or ownership

  • when playing hard, check-ins are gentle but consistent

  • may be more focused on pleasure without involving pain

  • may give soft commands knowing that you can fulfill them

  • may be more encouragement-based

  • ​


  • they want to make you obey

  • may even enjoy making you obey

  • may give harsh commands knowing that you cannot fulfill

  • may use degradation rather than encouragement

  • might be okay with you not being in pleasure the whole time

  • pain may be a big goal for them

  • may do check-ins while staying in dom mode

  • might focus more on visual and behavioral cues than asking

soft doms are less about ownership, pain play and obedience. it’s affectionate guidance. they encourage rather than challenge, you won’t find a lot of aggression in their style. they’re doting figures who often please while hard doms and their subs enjoy some level of denial. soft doms also don’t degrade and punish. they usually aren’t sadistic or tough in their tone. the vocabulary is neither crude nor extremely direct. the dialogue is gentle. as an analogy: french has soft dom vibes, german is hard dom territory.

They aren’t comfortable acting like they’re way above their sub as an authority to worship and kneel before. rather, they enjoy a bit of adoration, and they do a lot endearment towards their sub as well. a hard dom will praise their sub about how much they can take, soft doms will praise their sub for being good and sweet. making it rain with the rewards.


ATM receive

Ass To Mouth: A sexual act commonly featured in hardcore pornography where a penis, sex toy or other implement is removed from a person's anus and re-inserted into their mouth.


Time waster  

A man who has no real intention of paying for an appointment.  Some of them are lonely and just looking for conversation, and others might like to see a girl but are too nervous or frightened to follow through, but most are just cheapskates trying to get free wanking material.


No Call, No Show.  A client who neither showed for his appointment nor called to cancel


Do Not See.  Most often used in the formulation “DNS List”, a personal list of men an escort refuses to see because of personal experience, warnings from other girls or statements the listee has made on review boards


A sex and relationship coach offers a unique approach to working with clients on intimacy and sexuality. While Somatica has aspects of talk-coaching and experiential-coaching, the foundation of the approach is completely different.

The Somatica Method was created as a way to fill a gap in the experiential learning realm. In order for clients to learn how to have emotional and erotic intimacy, we felt they needed to have authentic experiences of two-way intimacy—what we call a Relationship Lab. As a Somatica Coach, you will practice authentic relating with your client to help them learn, grow, and transform in their sexual lives and relationships.

A Sex and Relationship Coach Builds A Relationship Lab

As their coach, you will not act as a distant helper to your clients – but instead as a partner who engages in emotional and erotic intimacy, seeing what it feels like to be intimate with this person. By engaging in physical and emotional intimacy, you can evaluate the client’s sexual and relational strengths, as well as their challenges. Once you understand what they need to learn, you then teach them the tools they need to have in order to attain more emotionally connected and sensually satisfying lives.

Somatica offers both individuals and couples real-time, experiential practices with emotional and erotic connection so that clients can experience embodied learning. Embodied learning is different than purely cognitive learning. When a person has an actual experience of vulnerability, arousal, or passion, they are much more likely to be able to translate this into their day-to-day lives. They are then able to change habits more easily than if they have solely thought, read, or talked about it.

Experience is How Change Happens

If we look at it from a brain plasticity perspective and how people learn, creating new multi-dimensional experiences that involve thoughts, emotion, and the senses is much more effective and efficient. It helps your clients create new neural pathways and is, therefore, a powerful way to change behaviors and old habits. The boundaries of Somatica are clothes-on, with no kissing on the mouth. Touch is acceptable in both directions, but no touch should ever move toward orgasm.

Beware of One-Size-Fits-All Approaches

Finally, while some forms of erotic teaching try to help students learn completely different approaches and languages around eroticism (sometimes insinuating that these are superior forms of erotic expression), Somatica instead helps draw out each person’s unique erotic imagination and desires, helping them integrate them out in the world. Somatica does not offer a one-size-fits-all solution to people’s sexuality, but rather helps to expand what’s on the menu until the client discovers what turns them on the most. We believe that a person’s main erotic desires do not change. This means trying to eradicate, ignore, or change them is a great disservice to the person. Approaches that do this often instill both shame and the feeling that something is wrong with these desires. Instead, in Somatica, we support individuals to explore and embrace their unique erotic makeup, learning how to communicate it to a partner.

Spa Day
Spa Day


A sex coach is a trained professional who helps people with sexual, intimacy and relationship issues. Sex coaches address problems such as sexless marriage, low libido, and sexual dysfunction, but also guide their clients to fully grasp their sexual potential through education, training and communication.

Why Work with a Sex Coach?

Society tells us that we are supposed to naturally know how to have sex. The desire to have sex is natural, but the skills to be a great lover or to engage fully in sex aren’t. The truth is that people need to learn how to have great sex. Social animals (including humans) learn skills through modeling and explicit instruction.

Since sex is something that is shamed in our culture, talking about it or giving explicit instruction still remains rare. People have very few good ways to learn how to have satisfying sex. A few will be lucky enough to have a partner that can teach them.

Unfortunately, most people don’t give good feedback, so many people end up not knowing what makes for great sex. This is where working with a good sex coach can be very helpful. Sex is learnable and teachable. The best way to learn about it is to get feedback from an experienced, non-judgmental and cheer-leading person.

For most people, hiring a sex coach will be one of the few ways they can get real-time and accurate instruction on how to be a better and more receptive lover. It’s most helpful if they also understand both the physiology and psychology of sex.

What Kinds of Sex Coaching are There?

Whether you’re interested in sex coaching, intimacy coaching, relationship coaching, or as a profession, it is important to know the field.

Many different kinds of practices fall under the umbrella of sex and relationship coaching. Depending on your personality, your interests and your boundaries, you may be drawn to a particular approach. Here’s an in-depth description of the sub-categories of sex and relationship coaching so you can decide what suits you best.

The Three Main Types of Sex Coaching: Talk, Experiential & Hands-On

During talk coaching sessions, a sex coach asks you about your challenges and goals. They then give you suggestions for improvement, as well as book and video recommendations.

The other type of coaching is experiential sex coaching. In this method, your coach will teach you how to be a better lover through talking, experiential, and sometimes, hands-on touch practices. Experiential practices might include breathwork, how to emit and share sexual energy, and how to verbally seduce a partner.

A sub-category of experiential sex coaching is hands-on sex coaching. Some experiential coaches may use hands-on methods, while others do not. Hands-on touch practices may include teaching the types of touch that are most arousing for the skin, by touching your clients arm and having them touch yours.

What is it Like to Work with a Talk-Based Sex Coach?

Similar to life coaching, in talk-based sex coaching the client comes to the practitioner with a problem. The coach then helps them figure out what steps they can take to solve their problem. The coach may ask the client to fill out an intake form. They then meet in-person, over the phone, or via video chat for an initial session. During this time, the client and coach work together to define the problem.

The coach develops a coaching plan with steps to address the issue. At each subsequent meeting, the client talks with their sex coach about which parts of the plan they’ve accomplished, or where they feel stuck. The coach helps them keep their commitment to continuing the plan.

Talk sex coaching can cover many topics – including dating, sexual identity, sexual abuse, sex addiction, sex and aging, open relationships, communication skills, gender identity, sex in long-term relationships, and sexual dysfunction.

Talk coaches will sometimes offer homework to do outside of the session with partners or potential partners. For example, a talk sex coach may encourage a client who is interested in dating to talk to five people they are interested in. They may offer suggestions to couples such as watching a video and practicing the kinds of sensual touch they see in it.

Sometimes sex coaches help clients accept themselves or help them speak to family, friends, or loved ones about who they truly are. Talk coaches do not typically have physical contact beyond hugs or handshakes. A coach may offer emotional support by placing a hand on their client’s back or arm when needed, but this is usually the extent of touch in a talk coaching session.

A Talk-Based Coach Will Help You:

  • Identify your sex coaching goals

  • Talk through potential approaches

  • Create a coaching plan

  • Offer you emotional support, suggestions, and homework

  • Help keep you motivated around your goals

What is it Like to Work With an Experiential Sex Coach?

Experiential sex coaching is where the coach takes a more interactive approach. They are guiding their client through exercises to help them feel more comfortable with their body, their sexuality, and intimacy. It begins the same way as talk-based coaching – the coach gets a good idea of the client’s goals and includes talking about their issues and strategies for improvement.

At the same time, experiential sex coaches point out that just talking is often not enough to learn new skills around sex and intimacy. In the same way that one can’t learn piano, dance, or baseball from a book. Experiential coaches teach their clients better emotional and sexual intimacy skills through practice. This may be completely verbal and not include touch, but can include things like sharing feelings or sharing sexual energy.

An Experiential Sex Coach Will Help You:

  • Identify your sexual goals

  • Talk through potential approaches and resolve your challenges

  • Create a coaching plan with practical steps for implementation

  • Sex coaches offer you emotional support and suggestions

  • Give you new tools and skills to expand on your current skill set

  • Provide opportunities for hands-on practice of new techniques and offer real-time feedback

  • Sex coaches help keep you motivated around your goals

What is it Like to Work With a Hands-On Sex Coach?

Hands-on sex coaches may bring in some physical touch to help their clients learn how to be a more sensual or physically attuned lover. For example, they may teach better practices by touching and being touched by their clients. They would then give them guidance and feedback about how to touch and connect in a more sexy and sensual way. 

In addition to all of the other tools that an experiential sex coach offers, hands-on sex coaches also:

  • Provide opportunities for hands-on practice of new techniques and offer real-time feedback

What is the Difference Between a Sex Coach and a Sex Therapist?

  • To be a sex therapist, one needs to have a degree in psychotherapy, theology, social work, or medicine. Each of these foundational trainings will include only a small amount of training around sexuality. A sex therapist may augment this training with additional sexuality training.

  • Sex therapy can often be a longer process where you dive into the childhood underpinnings of your emotional challenges around sex. It is often particularly helpful to those who have unresolved trauma or higher levels of dysfunction. Like sex coaches, a sex therapist may give their client homework and ask them to report on it in the next session.

  • Benefits of Seeing a Sex Coach

  • There are a lot of benefits of seeing a sex coach. Here are a few:

  • Becoming more embodied and aware of your desires and feelings

  • Increasing your skills around how to give and receive pleasure

  • Overcoming various sexual dysfunctions – everything from erectile dysfunction (ED) to low desire

  • Understanding, listening to, and expressing boundaries 

  • Learning tools around seduction that incorporate up-to-date consent practices

  • Dating skills such as flirting and recognizing when to make the first move 

  • What is the Best Approach for Me When Working with a Sex Coach?

  • When trying to choose a sex coach that is right for you, remember that deciding which of these approaches feels right for you is a very personal decision. Perhaps, in reading these different descriptions, one of them seems like it is the most helpful, comfortable, or in alignment with your personality.

  • It is important to make this decision with more than just your brain. Imagine talking with your coach, then doing some homework. Now imagine giving and receiving sensual touch with your coach. Which of these makes you feel most inspired?


Open Relationship

Some people consider themselves to have an open relationship if they are allowed to flirt and make out with other people. But the meaning of an open relationship can be quite different for those who include full sexual experiences outside of the relationship. In either case, a couple may engage in these experiences together as a team, or choose to have experiences with others separately. An open relationship is what any couple makes of it.

There is a belief – rooted in our culturally wide-spread fairy tale thinking about relationships – that couples only engage in an open relationship if there is something inherently wrong or missing in their primary liaison. This is false. Instead, many people open up their relationship to enhance an already wonderful connection. They may enjoy going on sexual adventures together or get turned on by the idea of their partner with someone else.

Open Relationship Rules

Since open relationships are not exactly a mainstream concept, many wonder about open relationship rules. While monogamy can also be challenging to define – especially in the age of technology – many people take the rules of monogamy for granted, never even discussing them with a partner. People in open relationships, on the other hand, are required to set the ground rules for their engagement up front.

Open relationship rules can vary from couple to couple. Every couple needs to take the time to sit down and negotiate what is comfortable for them. Some varieties of these different relationship forms have even taken on their own succinct names. Such as Dan Savage’s coining of the term “monogamish” – describing a couple who is mostly monogamous, while still allowing for extra-marital sex every once in a while.

People have many categories of open relationship rules. We can think of this as the who, what, where, when, why, and how of open relationship rules. Each of these categories has an extensive number of options, but here are a few examples:

Who: Each person in the relationship needs to talk about who they want to have sex with – and their partner needs to see if they’re comfortable with that. Some examples might be: having sex only with other people who are also in open relationships; only having sex with men; only having sex with women; only having sex with someone in the same age range as a partner; only with people you pay; only with strangers (or anonymous); only with friends; only with one person many times; only with many people one time.

What: Some couples have concise rules about what kind of erotic interaction or level of intimacy is allowed with people outside of the partnership. For example, some couples have a rule that their partner can date other people, but are not ok to have intercourse with. For other couples, anything goes. Some people only want their partner to play with others above the belt, while others might be ok with everything but kissing.

Where: Location and distance can matter. Certain couples define where it is – or is not – ok to have sex with a third party. One partner might decide they aren’t into sharing their bedroom, so the home is off-limits. Some couples are only ok with someone local, or they might follow what is colloquially known as the “500-mile rule” (when you only have sex with people who are at least 500 miles or more from home, while traveling or on a business trip). This can be particularly helpful for those whose love language is touch. Living far apart and trying to stay monogamous can cause one or both people in the relationship to feel sex or touch-deprived.

When: It’s also common to ask your partner to be sensitive about when and how often they have sex with others. For example, hooking up with a playmate once a week could be ok – others give their partner free reign on frequency as long as they are informed first (or immediately after).

Why:  Some couples have open relationship rules around their reasons for having sex with others. They would prefer their partner only has sex with a third party for the sake of enhancing their mutual connection. Or they might be ok with their partner engaging in BDSM if they themselves aren’t into kink but want the partner to have the experience. Others yet are ok with random hookups but want to confine romantic interactions to their primary relationship.

How:  How much a couple communicates about their external sexual adventures can be up for negotiation as well. For example, some prefer a Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (also known as DADT) approach. In a two-way Don’t Ask Don’t Tell scenario, neither partner has to tell the other the details or even that the outside sex is happening. It’s also possible to have one-way DADT ground rule where one person wants to know, but the other person doesn’t. Another rule variety defines if there should be an asking for permission before every engagement – and then a detailed re-telling afterward. And then are those couples who just want some general idea of what is happening and don’t care about the details. 

Do Open Relationships Work?

Sex coaches often hear the question: Do open relationships work? The answer is never simple, and a trained sex coach will not simply answer yes or no. Instead, they should engage you to think more critically about what you meant and why you asked the question in the first place.

Since our society thinks of monogamy as the normal and right way to be in a relationship, open relationships and open marriages get scrutinized in a completely different way than monogamy. Any time two people in an open relationship break up, people blame it on the open relationship. They never consider that the open part of the relationship might have been great – and the couple may have had huge issues around child rearing or money.

With monogamy, it is exactly the opposite. Lots of people want to have sex outside of the relationship but are terrified to ask for an open relationship out of fear they will be judged or abandoned by their partner. And so while the institution of monogamy ruins many relationships, no one ever says “We broke up because we were monogamous and it just wasn’t working.” At best, they might admit to “We just wanted different things.”

So, the question “do open relationships work?” is actually a loaded question. It assumes monogamous relationships work, and open relationships are more likely to fail. However, if you look at the statistics on monogamy, marriages end in 51% of the time – and that is considering people are willing to actually get married. Unmarried partners are even more likely to break up, and many people simply stay together even though they are miserable. Since most relationships are still monogamous, it is safe to assume that monogamy “works” way less than 50% of the time.

So – what does it mean for a relationship to work? If we look at the fairy tale social script, a relationship must include only two people. They must be romantically and passionately in love with each other. They must stay together, only desiring each other, until the day death parts them. And yet – if this is the very definition of a successful relationship, then pretty much every relationship is failing.

So maybe instead of asking Do open relationships work?, we should create a more realistic definition of the prosperous relationship. It could be defined as two or more people,  honestly communicating about their needs, feelings and boundaries. They stay together for as long as they feel like the relationship supports them in who they are, and enhances their lives in some way. With this more grounded relationship definition, many more people might actually get to enjoy the feeling of success.

Can a Sex Coach Help with an Open Relationship?

A sex coach can help you have an honest, open conversation about your relationship choices – no matter whether you want to have a monogamous relationship or engage in some variety of an open relationship (which might include polyamory, swinging, or being monogamish).

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